Why is everyone talking like TBC Classic has been confirmed

Why, though? Just to have the server reset and everyone speeding off and leveling together-ish, etc.? If it’s a personal thing (maxing your character), you could always delete and reroll. If you want the servers legit nuked, that’s going to be fewer people each “season” signing up until extinction.

The benefit I can see to seasonal servers would be to avoid the screw ups of Classic (like layering abuse, instance abuse, bug fixes already in, etc.).

Tell that to Diablo 2

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What’s the monthly sub cost for Diablo 2, again?

and in 2056 when Blizzard announces it, the forums will be like A-HA!

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Its almost like some of us predicted classic wow or something.

Yeah, it really is. I don’t think I’ve seen such a large variety of fictional narratives put together in a single post in a long, long time.

Because the beta feels exactly like BFA? lol

Gameplay is still the same man i dunno feels bad

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SL feels like BFA which feels like Legion. They’re all the same to me. Steaming poo :poop:

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Meh, don’t think I’ll support blizzard in TBC classic due to their massive bundling of regular classic.

As a money-earning company, they’re gonna wanna keep subs going.

Classic + would require the allocatement of a development team and the development of new content.

TBC would not.

So this leaves us with 3 possibilities.

  1. Do nothing, and face an approx 75% sub loss in 6 months.

  2. Release TBC, which would require minimal effort, and keep all or most of the subs for a further 2 years, or

  3. allocate an entire dev team to the development of classic+, which would almost be akin to making a new game.

…yeah… Come on. Think.

Because it has been confirmed you fool! Survey asking us how we would like to progress into TBC servers hello??? Like what else could that mean to you I honestly don’t understand how else this could be interpreted.

I seem to remember when they built Classic, it was said they did TBC at the same time, because why not? So, I definitely think after the success of Classic it will be released. Also, we can talk about it if we want to.

The community feel out in the world is the best in the first couple of months on a fresh server. The world of classic and the lowbie dungeons are so lovingly crafted by the original devs, they deserve to be appreciated at level and difficulty they were designed for.

At this point, classic economy is bloated with farmed gold and lowbies are simply carried alts. A fresh server fixes that for a good while too.

Claccis TBC will come to fruition it’s simple economics.

The debate will be how characters migrate from Classic WOW to Classic TBC:

  • tansfer to a new server leaving Classic WOW a standalone server for those who want to stay?
  • transfer a copy of your character to Classic TBC server?

After Naxx Classic WOW is basically over unless you want to keep leveling alts etc.

Cheers enjoy Azeroth

Because as good as vanilla/classic is, it does have some really serious flaws that only glare brighter and brighter in its second half.

AQ and Naxx gear are far too powerful for level 60s to have, and there’s very little good in the game after BWL.

The exact same thing happened in vanilla as is happening now. Once AQ40 and Naxx are out, the whole rest of the game just dies on the vine.

Classes are ridiculously imbalanced and incomplete.

TBC for the most part is Vanilla, but fixes every single problem in vanilla.

It’s just a better version of the game.

Progression servers are market tested and provide a very high ROI.

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As long as corporations like making money we will have a TBC classic. To think otherwise is ignoring basic economic principles. Blizzard can release a game they’ve already developed (TBC) and keep a large portion of their subscriber base happy. They have everything to gain and essentially nothing to lose.

It takes a lot less effort to release a game you’ve already developed in comparison to a new expansion. As has been pointed out, their ROI on Classic and the potential TBC Classic is very high.


It will be, but how it will be released and when is the question.

When, I’m thinking 3-6 months after shadowlands when the hype of that new exp wears down, or they could make it a holiday thing. That would be a nice xmas gift.

How, now this is the sensitive/speculative part. Do you keep classic servers classic and make separate BC servers? Maybe a way to clone your character over to the tbc? Or release the expansion like they did in the past with hopefully less crashes/bugs?

And what of a new pvp system which favors arena and neglects peeps that only want to do BGs. Can you say resilience without puking?

A tourist season that lasts for all 4 seasons is not tourism.

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Okay, I just have to step in on this TBC stroking every once in a while.

Despite your glorious memories, TBC is really not the perfection that you imply it to be.

Once you acquire your dungeon gear, it’s right back to raid logging. Except in this instance you don’t even have to go out of your way to get world buffs anymore, so it’s utterly effortless raid-logging. You show up with your flask, elixir, and food, mana pots too if you’re a mana user and that’s it. All relatively cheap to make or buy due to the consolidation of material requirements on to a small pool of viable consumes used by lvl 70 characters.

The world becomes a lot smaller, you can fly across it in a couple minutes with an epic flyer, and there is literally nothing to do beyond herb farming for consumes, or primal farming for your pre-raid bis crafted items or selling those primals to others, not much different to what we have in classic, herbs or gold. World PvP interaction is completely shot due to flying mounts for those that still enjoyed that aspect too as Nagrand never did much to foster it even in retail TBC.

The only new (and good) addition to TBC is arena, and the revamp of PvP gear progression. So PvPers indeed will find much to enjoy, but if you aren’t a competitive PvPer, get real dude. It’s all the same stuff. The content will die same day it releases (SSC, TK, BT, even Sunwell), as usual.

Yes, classes are better balanced, but that translates to very little in terms of long-term enjoyment of the actual content because at the end of the day you’re doing the exact same thing you were in Classic with slightly different spells added to your repertoire.

I would still definitely play TBC Classic if it came out, but as someone who’s spent a great deal of time on TBC private servers, I’m at least being realistic about what to expect from the experience.