Why is everyone talking like TBC Classic has been confirmed

I don’t know, I don’t like raiding. I did heroics in TBC. Because, you know, they existed.

I know how.

Blizzard might be considering doing TBC, and wanted feedback from Classic players – would players move Classic characters to TBC (if Blizzard made one), or want a separate TBC?

That is very different than “Blizzard has decided to do TBC”. All the survey shows is that some people at Blizzard are thinking about doing TBC. It doesn’t show that the corporation has decided to do it.

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That was very poetic my friend but if you are willing to bet that we are just stuck with this version of the game and tbc is not on the way after being questioned about it you are a risky gambler.

Heroics are a joke in modern day TBC. Don’t even expect even half the challenge you remember from them back then. Especially if they do a 2.4.3 patch, which is likely (the equivelant of what they did for Classic on 1.1.2).

The heroics are literal AOE farm fests with those nerfs, just like they did to the Wrath dungeons early on.

You only need heroic dungeons insofar as you need badges to get badge gear, but you get the gear and that’s it. You’re done. If heroics are your main TBC selling point, I’d prep for disappointment now.

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I remember people not wanting to run SH with war tanks, but aoe threat is a joke, we were bad then, no war I know will have trouble, and heroics will feel like retail heroics.

Some people said some heroics were harder than kara in TBC, I want to see if people echo that sentiment.

I know H-Shadow Labs and H-Shattered Halls were considered hell back then, dunno how well that stigma aged.

Probably about as well as Vael being a guild-breaker did.

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And they were to our 2007-selves and pre-patched playing environment.

But we are 2020 (Maybe 2021-2022 by the time TBC Classic comes) players who will likely be playing on a 2.4.3 patch (post massive overarching nerfs to all heroics).

They are easy.

Even unnerfed, they are easy, as there have been private servers that strived to “unnerf” the content and it was still obliterated by modern players.

There’s also the tons of class changes across the entirety of the TBC expansion that, when TBC Classic releases, we will likely have right out of the gate, just like in Classic.

I just want to make it clear, TBC is a fun time, just do not make the mistake of over-hyping it to yourself like a lot of people did about “Classic Difficulty”. We know how that turned out.

True. ‘Classic Difficulty’ was always more about threat and resource management, rather than the actual difficulty of the fights and the mechanics. Especially when you play a caster in retail and can just straight cast continuously and rarely (if ever) risk going OOM.

It broke my room mates guild. They could still clear BWL but losing buffs each week on Vael was a major part of the frustration that caused players to leave.

The remnants of that guild have been doing GDKP runs and currently are spending many hours trying to push through AQ before calling it quits on Huhu/Twins.

Bad guilds deteriorate the further they are challenged.

Maybe not. Unless they’re launching with no attunements.

I don’t disagree that they’ll be easy, but I do remember being one-shot by trash mobs back in the day even when I was fairly geared. There will certainly be more danger than in Classic dungeons.

Players in retail still struggle in TBC timewalking dungeons as they aren’t used to CC being necessary.

If you haven’t ridden a bicycle in over a decade, and then suddenly go for a ride, you’re not going to be doing as well as you did back when you were in practice. That doesn’t mean riding a bike is hard. It just means you are doing something unfamiliar.

And for people who started in later expansions, they might never have needed to do CC, as a rule. I can’t remember the last time I used Fear as a warlock or Polymorph as a Mage while playing retail. Retail really is a very different game from the pre-MoP days.


I want TBC so bad :weary: :weary: :weary:

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Kinda what I’m getting at though. Even CC isn’t really that important in the modern-day TBC gameplay as long as your tank has decent AOE threat (which all 3 tanks have relatively decent tools for in TBC).

I will submit that TBC is less forgiving to serious role errors, such as a DPS pulling aggro or a tank not holding aggro. I’m not trying to imply that TBC heroics are as easy as Classic dungeons, they just aren’t very difficult, at least in the way people are remembering them from retail TBC.

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Classic created the largest subscription increase in WoW history. What flop are you talking about?


They already know TBC will be super successful in holding Sub numbers when everyone realizes that shadowlands is the same dumpster fire that BFA is.

He is a retail white knight, pay no attention to that dude.

There are people in retail forums that actually believe the numbers are bigger on retail than classic atm.

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I play with a bunch of mythic raiders who gave up retail for classic, and they didn’t come back because they thought the raids were hard content.

If most players wanted raids to be ball bustingly hard, there would be a bigger pool of mythic raiders. Most raiders who clear heroic raids effortlessly dont want to make the jump to mythic, even if they are perfectly capable.

These easy raids are probably very good for player retention, as even semi clueless players can make meaningful character progression through endgame.

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I was looking forward to mythic dungeons until I discovered they were on a timer. I hate the zerg mentality that exists in the easy leveling dungeons and blizzard forced it on us in the harder mythic dungeons by adding a timer. While I like the harder content playing against a timer isn’t fun for me. So there are other reasons people may not do mythics. It’s not necesarily evidence that people want easy content. I also don’t like huge raids. I’m not raiding in classic because 40 man raids aren’t fun for me.

In classic I do what I can to make the dungeons harder. I push groups to do the dungeon as early as possible. I also try to convince groups to do them with unusual groups, all dps and a healer or shaman or hunter tanks. As a holy priest I can usually compensate for unusual groupings and I like the challenge.