Why is everyone talking like TBC Classic has been confirmed

Because the head game dev at blizzard said it would be “insane not to do it”

Was that same same guy that said, “You think you do but you don’t?”

No, it was Ion like, 2.5 months ago. Right after the survey went out.

So, people bad?

Your list here is incredibly immature. Especially the part about Bankrupting the company. Do you hold Blizzard shares? Did you see the shareholders report that came the quarter following Classics release? You’re generalizing and talking down to people and not even doing it well.

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Don’t be silly TC. Everyone with a brain know It’s confirmed. Classic wow was way too successful for them not do TBC.

TBC and WOTLK will have more subscribers than even played classic. It wouldn’t surprise me if both TBC and WOTLK have more subscribers than they did originally back in the day. As new people who never played them join in on the fun.

However, they need to do changes. Nothing big, just make sure raids are tuned appropriately for todays gamers. They’ll still be easy, but not super easy.

Cha-ching. Money, money, money. That’s how we know it’s coming. Low cost. Little effort. High profits, guaranteed. It’s $millions lying on the ground just waiting to be picked up. And Blizzard exists entirely to make money. They are going to bend over and pick that money up and put it in their pocket.

Yeah, but the survey questions were not:

Do you want a TBC release?

The survey questions were more along the lines of:

How should TBC be released?

The way the survey phrased the questions implied that a decision to release TBC had already been made.

Because tbc is good and a case for it being profitable has been made. Attempts to remake warcraft did fail, but as remakes like osrs and age of empires continue to exist people want to play old games.

In truthiness wow isn’t one game it is an original experience with a series of expansions attached. People love wrath, tbc, and though cata wasn’t aweful. I do of course speak for all gamers ever when I say that after pandera it was too much being able to pick and choose a favorite expansion is a good thing.

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It’s Agent Smith in the Matrix. INEVITABLE

tourists. in a static format. means little.

I might play tbc after Naxx, but I would definitely play a fresh classic server.

A) Money is money. If the tourists only paid for one month of Classic it would still be millions and millions in profit. That one month alone would make Classic a success for Blizzard.

B) Even without the tourists most servers are near capacity.

WoW Classic brought in more subscription revenue than the actual WoW retail has for quite some time.

For example, in a shareholder meeting, it was disclosed WoW Classic launch quadrupled Blizzards subscriptions for World of Warcraft.

Further, internal information shows that there is a frowning upon the retail team for doing such a poor job with subscriptions, and this is rumored to be why there has been an intentional direction to “tank” WoW Classic by Blizzard, in order for singular people to appease upper management.

Considering that Blizzard fired a massive amount of their staff after record profits, just to squeeze out a few more dollars, I think it is safe to say that TBC Classic is coming.

Disclaimer: Please consider my post pure speculation, all opinion, purely fictional, to prevent any legal follow-up due to fictional information leaks.

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I’m here too!

season’s still in.

So it seems the answer was

  1. It’s confirmed because of the way the survey was worded


  1. Because Blizzard likes money.

Ya’ll cooked lol.

Yeah it makes sense that after classic doubles the amount of subs they would just stop it there.

Also giving millions of players a taste for old school wow and then not offering a game for them driving up the popularity of private servers even more.

seems logical.

What makes you say this? By all accounts shadowlands looks to be one of the larger revamps the game has had

We don’t have confirmation that the sun will rise tommorow, but I don’t think anyone’s taking bets that it won’t…

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Sure am Fluce :wink:

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