Why is everyone so optimistic?

When they are rebuilding classic from the ground up how can you not be concerned given what we got with BFA? Its not ACTUAL classic its a rebuilt classic. You should be concerned just a little bit. Blizzard is not to be trusted anymore.


You are probably right, we should all take vows of silence and move into a monastery on some inhospitable inaccessible mountain range so we don’t have to hear about world of warcraft ever again.


Well, they’re not.



They’re using the data that existed back when I trusted Blizzard, so…yeah…


I played the demo and despite all its faults, I felt like it looked to be in pretty good shape, considering what they’re doing. So yes, I’m optimistic at this point.


Other than the chat issue and the fact that we regenerated health/mana too fast I was extremely impressed with the authentic feel.


Because other than a handful of big ticket items like sharding and loot trading. Blizzard has been telling the Classic community what we want to hear and seems to be making the game we want to play.

Which is a mostly accurate recreation of Vanilla WoW.

Their communications have been pretty clear from the beginning that Classic is not about trying to rewrite the past into some bastard child of a game. And that makes most of us happy.


Even though this is incorrect, what would you expect the Classic community to do?
Over 10 years, of Private Servers, while retail Wow was modernized again and again. To become the version it is now. With retail players coming to these forums and asking for this historical remake to be modernized as well-
What do you expect us to do?

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No monks in Vanilla!


I wouldn’t call myself particularly optimistic, but I’m also not particularly pessimistic. I’m in a sort of middle ground, a holding pattern. Thus far, most of the information has leaned toward the side of what I want to see in WOW: Classic.

My two major exceptions are bundling with the Retail sub and sharding. Those two things have me likely to wait a couple months, at minimum, after release. I don’t have to play Day 1. I don’t have to play week 1. I can wait until after the AQ event is done to know sharding wasn’t held in reserve and used over and over. Heck, I could wait to see if Blizzard changes their mind on the combined sub or offers the same Starter Account access, or even gets honest enough to provide numbers of players in WOW: Classic who don’t touch Retail at all.

If WOW: Classic is done right, I could wait a year or two before I touch it and still get what I want from it. And if it is done wrong, waiting a couple months will make that very obvious - and I’ll feel just as smart as I did quitting Legion and not pre-ordering BfA and not paying for Retail for nearly three years now.

Maybe that’s the key for me. Personally, I can walk away for good. WOW: Classic would be a delight, but I’d rather hold onto delightful memories than layer trash on top of them playing just to play if they make a mess of it. (Of course, this makes me decidedly NOT their target audience. They want loyal passionate fans to franchises that can’t walk away.)


Why would we be negative about it. It’s a game. I hope you have enough sense to turn it off if you don’t want to play it.

I don’t get why anyone would be pessimistic before it’s even gone live. Complain later…when you’re in the game and there’s a material reason you’re unhappy with it.

But honestly, if you go into this thing expecting to be disappointed and looking for details to get angry about, you will find them.

And I get it. I’ve complained about some choices Blizzard has made over the years. This is a game I have loved and the WoW community (some of it, at least) is my gaming tribe. Blizzard gave it to me, so I don’t view them as some kind of great enemy. I love their game.

That said…it’s a video game. Let’s keep some perspective and be happy they responded to the demand for a classic option. Not only did they give us a classic option, they expended a TREMENDOUS effort to give it back to us exactly as it was. They didn’t rebuild it. They restored it, and they spent over an hour describing their process in detail at the con. It made me so excited to play Classic, so for heaven’s sake, let people enjoy the happy anticipation.


After being told for years it would never happen, I’m just happy it’s happening. The minutia I can get over, so long as sharding isn’t used past the starting zones. I trust they realize their target audience.


I think people should be optimistic. We’re getting Classic after all. There’s a lot of folks here that seem to think if they don’t complain and worry over every detail constantly, the game will go off the rails.

With BFA, we gave beta feedback for months and nothing changed. Most of the stuff we hated came to live. So, I don’t understand what’s wrong with be optimistic for Classic when most of the design philosophy has already been decided and Blizzard doesn’t really act on feedback anyway. You either like what you’ve been hearing or you don’t.

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I can’t dispute that. It felt very authentic (even with sharding :slight_smile:) and the chat issue definitely needs to be addressed. I’m all for an anti-spam mechanism, and I didn’t run into the problem in the demo. However, I’ve read others did.

Really, they need the anti-spam measure, but I don’t think it should be nearly as harsh as it apparently was. Keep people from spamming the same things over and over, and stop those annoying ascii posts, and it’ll be fine. It should not get in the way of normal conversation.

enough Debbie Downers in real life for people. who needs more. noone exactly

but really. why not be? what’s the point? why loathe about something you wanted and look forward too?

I’m so freaking excited right now, hardest part is waiting …

I didn’t play the demo, don’t need to…I saw enough streams and videos of people playing, its a good representation of Classic, its not perfect and you and others should have ZERO expectations for it to be, that’s an UN-fair bar to set.

I’m just grateful they’re doing it, i’m not a fanboy or w/e I can hate like the best of them but this project means the world to me, I get to share this with my children this time around and their so excited! Some say this is just a game, that its not a big deal, its a huge deal because of what it meant to people and still means to us.

Some of the best time in my life were in this game, that might sound sad to some but I have lots of moments outside the game that were amazing too, WoW changed my life…I don’t know if I’d even be around if it wasn’t for this game, it helped me through some of the darkest times in my life, when I wasn’t happy and sad all the time the only thing that brought a smile to my face was this game…


Same with me. My 17-year old wasn’t even in school yet when I started playing, and she started playing WoW in MoP, so she hasn’t played anything prior yet, as I won’t let her play with the trolls and jerks on private servers.

She’s excited to play Classic with her mom & I, and has had many questions. It’s going to be great.


I wouldn’t say anyone here is trusting blizzard. But… it’s not as if we have any other options. I mean, If your kid is addicted to drugs, and has tried to quit before, and tries to quit again, you still hope he’ll succeed, even if you don’t think he will.


I have become optimistic because 1) the potential exists for a truly amazing experience in Classic and B) all my negativity on this subject has been exhausted over the past several months.

We ARE concerned. We don’t trust, hence no changers. But Blizzard’s trying, and whatever it is should be better than BFA, hence the optimism.