Why is everyone so optimistic?

I don’t trust Blizzard to do changes to Classic, but thus far they’ve been pretty adamant about wanting it to be as authentic as they can make it aside from 2 things: Thinking about sharding, and loot trading.

Which I’ll continue to argue against, but I kind of expected going in that we weren’t getting a 100% pixel perfect recreation of Vanilla. I’m not going to run away just because one thing changed, and I’ll judge the game based on how it is at launch with the things that don’t make it 100% authentic.

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I dunno, I played the demo and liked it just how it was. You’ll just have to decide if it is for you once the game comes out.

I want to use a metaphoric story, at least from my perspective, on what it is like.

It would be like having everything you care about, slowly taken away from you. And you are at the point of just existing (which is the worst feeling, in my opinion). This goes on for many years, to the point that you just give up on anything that is left. Though small. Desperation kicks in and you do things that might not be considered right or the best thing to do but that’s human nature.
And then one day, you have a chance to get all of that back. What do you do?
Do you let the past repeat it’s self and give up on any hope? Or do you keep some and refuse to let the past repeat it’s self?
Sometimes, when you are in a corner, there isn’t really a choice but to have some trust. Even if it ends up being short sighted.

But, I guess not everyone is going to understand that.

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So basically you’re not a pessimist, you’re an optometrist.

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I’ll take even a half-assed Classic over what we got in BFA right now.


Apparently not many here remember “Trust, but verify”?

I feel sooo old…

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How much are you paying for classic? That’s right, nothing. It’s included in your subscription. You shouldn’t be moaning about a FTP game. They are giving classic to you for FREE, so worrying about it.

Well it’s not really being rebuilt from the ground up. They have all the relevant data and assets from patch 1.12. All they are doing is integrating it into their modern framework for a variety of reasons that I believe were understandable.

Because of their insistence and openness with their use of their patch 1.12 data, I would say that no one trusts Blizzard completely, nor do I think your average person frequenting this forum does… But I’m already a complete sour puss when it comes to retail - so even though Classic is very far away, I choose to be optimistic based on Blizzard’s public stance, and reactions from people who got to play the demo.

But as another person said… Trust, but verify!

To be honest your 100% right. There is no reason to have high expectations for Classic given Blizzard is no longer Blizzard… It’s Activision Blizzard. Having said that it’s impossible to not at least have some small hope that the writing on the wall Activision Blizzard has finally read. If one thing is clear all they care about is money. Given that is an unalienable fact then it would stand to reason that knowing after Wrath when they completely changed and screwed the game they lost what over half their subscriptions which is money lost. It’s hard for me to believe that they would repeat that same mistake given it’s money.

Actually, $30/month for two accounts. Cause I don’t play retail, cause I’m a lapsed subscriber, the target audience for classic. Why do I think that lapsed subscribers are the target audience? Cause every retail player who switches to classic costs them money in lost microtransactions and expansion packs. So, no. Classic isn’t free. Private servers are free. For $15/month they need to deliver a product that is at least as faithful to vanilla wow as private servers, or it will bomb.


The only FREE version of WOW that’s available is the limited Starter Account / Veteran Trial. If I don’t fork over US$15, I won’t get WOW: Classic. (Or do you think every one of us is willing to spend US$15 on a dumpster fire just because you are?)

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that is why i am taking everything they say with a grain of salt.
that is why i am apprehensive about the inclusion of sharding (at launch only).

I don’t have a sub. If I come back then I will be paying $15/month for classic.

Only those paying and playing retail/BFA can say classic will be free for them.


I get the sinking feeling that this is going to end up being akin to how movie studios tried to compete with piracy by offering $5.99 digital movie rentals.

I’m optimistic because when it comes to MMO games, I’ve just spent the last decade being let down in varying degrees by every other game I’ve tried to play (including current wow). In fact, I don’t even play games hardly at all anymore, it got so bad. I’ll dabble in retail every now and then with my buddy, but we treat it as the throwaway theme park that it has become. It isn’t the same game.

As far as I can see, this classic version of WoW appears to be the only shot we have of a large company with deep pockets making any attempt to recreate what made MMO games so great in the first place. Sure, there are others in development like Ashes of Creation that LOOK good on paper, but they all do.

Bottom line, I’m optimistic because I’m tired of being pessimistic, and I believe that Blizzard can actually pull this off.


I think it will be fine.
I also think the lamentation will be pretty deep in here a few weeks after release. :smile:

Right? It won’t matter how pristine and perfect it is…there will be tears and lamentations. Like…loud, angry ones. I don’t think portions of this community know how to be happy unless they’re righteously indignant about something.

I’ll bring the popcorn.

Well for one it’s a totally different kind of project, with a set goal with clear criteria for success or failure, as opposed to their normal game which has no goal beyond making money. Bit vague, that.

I am glad to hear that for you two. I hope it all goes well and they enjoy it!

There are those who have chosen to enjoy classic. Personally, I will not.

I don’t see any reason why it should be a problem that people want to play it. It’s the closest that we can get without supporting criminals and they finally swallowed their pride and leaped over their own personal “you think you do, but you don’t” hurdle.

That took some grits. I’m glad that some will be supporting that.