Why is everyone so mean?

This is a case of a few bad eggs ruin it for everyone else. I don’t like Vulpera, I think they’re an awful race, and not just because ooo cutesy furry race uwu. I’m pretty sure I’ve made my opinion on Vulpera pretty clear on the forums often enough.

But I’m not stupid enough to think that everyone who plays a Vulpera is bad. There are several Vulpera players I know who are stand up people. Even ones that have a tendency to play on the cutesy wutesy side of Vulpera. That’s just having a spot of fun, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But then you have all those vulpera that go full on uwu and does creepy things all the time and will never ever stop, and they tarnish people’s impressions of vulpera players. Encounter enough of those vulpera, and it becomes a stereotype and you begin to assume most, if not all, vulpera you meet will be like that. It’s technically racism, because that’s exactly how real life racism forms.

And the same thing applies to non-racial stuff, too. The topic of this thread is a prime example. The group finder community isn’t all a complete toxic mess. You can find good people there. But there’s enough toxicity within the community that you’ll eventually begin to treat the group finder community with preconceived assumptions of what the people in your next group will be like, and you’ll either refuse to talk to them, or treat them like trash. And it’s not just you doing that, either. You could be a genuinely nice and fun person, grouping up with 4 other genuinely nice and fun people, but because all 5 of you have had repeated bad experiences in group finder, you are all assuming each other to be jerks and will either refuse to talk, or you’ll treat each other like jerks.

Toxicity begets more toxicity. And that is sad.

Blizzard players are really mean. It doesn’t matter what game it is people are really heartless and awful here. It can be easy to get swept up in it too when you’re just trying to make posts and people are outhere namecalling and downplaying and ignoring anything anyone else says.

Someone else put it really nicely, that blizzard gamers only know how to communicate with each other in extremes. Theres no room for nuance, theres no room for discussion. People don’t want to understand, they just want you to feel bad. Others players around here genuinely enjoy when players other than themselves feel bad.


sounds like a legal term.

'The court finds Mr. Tibbs the rabid feral cat to be an abusive jerkface & hereby sentences him to no kibbles for an hour and fines him four headpats.


There’s a lot open for interpretation here. For starters, what content are we talking about?

this forum full of big meanies.

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Wait, does he have to be subjected to head pats or is he the one giving them…

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The combination of anonymity and immaturity can cause some very peculiar behavior in people.

General rudeness does not really irk me to any degree, because I can only assume they are either kids or are not-well-adjusted adults. Furthermore, the general rudeness just becomes completely unoffensive when you recognize it as not being aggression, but rather, a person with the opportunity to behave in a way that they can’t behave in the real world. Someone that is acting in this way in a PuG (random strangers) probably doesn’t say these things to random strangers in the real world, especially in a collaborative setting. It’s the equivalent of having a stranger ask you to reach the top shelf for an item while grocery shopping, and then repeatedly insulting you as you oblige their request. In the real world, that’s literally asylum behavior. A person that malevolent is not lasting long in society. The people in game aren’t like that. They are just kids trying to look cool, and the anonymity leaves them without restraint or lasting social consequence.

For example, I’d imagine that the people that wanted to kick the mediocre dps weren’t motivated to do that because they wanted to upset someone. Their motivation was likely something like “by pointing out a mediocre dps, we establish ourselves as superior to them, we establish an in-group in this social context, and it makes us look cool.”

Only one time have I encountered "aggression " in the game that actually seemed malevolent. Every other time, it just came off as kids saying things for socially motivated reasons, trying to look cool in the game, which really just evokes amusement.

You see the same thing on the internet in general. People will say things they don’t actually believe, feign expertise in a subject, fabricate personal experiences, etc. without any hesitation, but when adults behave this way in the real world, they quickly become nonfunctional social outcasts.

Chalk it up to anonymity. The person behind the name is usually not a terrible, hateful person. They are usually a person with low self esteem, and their online behavior doesn’t reflect how they act in the real world (hopefully… for their sake).

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Yeah, what a strange thing to even consider holding against someone.


It’s better in the summer.


It’s scientific state of being, short for abusiveickyness jerkfaceworstesteverest.


I dont get more impatient as i age… i have less tolerance for bs cause i recognize it sooner… but if anything im more patient with people.

I have gained experience. I see the world more fully. My experiences are not universal. That’s more true for older people than not. There are crotchety old men/women… but so are the younguns. Long story short… ppl be ppl at all age groups

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You are being gifted with a cat gif in your thread.


Same. Imo it is worse in wrath classic, but a lot of folks who play wrath classic are still very anti dungeon finder which I believe is why it’s worse there. Retail once in a blue moon. It happens sure, but as you said rarely for me in retail.

Here’s my quick graph. It doesn’t have to be Warcraft. It can be ANY game. Especially first person shooters.

It’s why I would never do Esports if I were good at the game because I was exceptionally good in Battlefield to the point that moderators banned us on sight, we got constant hate mail and people joining our TS to verbally assault us.

My personality suffered because of it. My blood pressure was skyrocketing and I used to scream and curse the computer. It’s much better now, but thankfully ya’ll can’t hear me curse because it’s still there…just more muted either intentionally or the “I don’t care anymore” attitude I have now.

I have Discord on mute. Perhaps there’s no such thing as PTSD from FPS games, but I definitely acquired an ugly personality when I was trying for elite status. We were obsessed with K:D ratios


:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Shouldn’t that red line just be a dot in the lower left corner?

I’m tracking on the graph, but I’m thinking one could probably just leave the red arrow, because the red arrow is the proposed relationship between competitiveness (y axis) and personality (x axis).

lol now my OCD is showing my red arrow flat-lining as it moves further down the x-axis, without climbing…


He must receive the four headpats, cause even though he is a jerkface he remains adowablessnuffyfluffywugg-… Ehem… He’s still a cute cat


Red line is the increasing # of how many arenas or harder content you do/complete, as you climb the ladder. The more you do, the more your gear level climbs, the more your scores & gear climb the competitiveness increases.

I think you’re both right. I understand the graph but it could be simplified.


Those people who kick group members due to low DPS always kick themselves from groups when their DPS is low don’t they? Its not like they ever once in all their WoW life had low DPS in a group and were helped out by the other group members.

Guildies help members with low DPS get ahead, but in a PUG a person isn’t being helped out, they are being CARRIED, making them evil.

But I bet those same people doing the kicking try and level ALTs and get kicked too, but they don’t learn any lesson, they just think “oh ya, forgot about that, I’m gonna log on my main so I can do some kicking”

yeah, i’m tracking on the graph, but perhaps the blue arrow suggests that there exists another condition or state where you start with high iO/PVP ranking, but as you iO dwindles, or you lose CR, your personality declines.

like a Trading Places principle: you lose what you had, you become ‘jerkface’

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