Why is everyone so mean?

The blue line could be eliminated, or we could make a presumption the player bought the WoW raid ready boost that comes with decent gear ilvl at the start. But if they don’t keep on top of participation of high end content to keep the scores up - their gear becomes obsolete & they get more jerkface/unhappy disposition as they fade from the elite pool.

That’d be how I see it potentially existing.

New built in pug utility, if you’re not pumping out baseline dps for your class, the system, not the group auto kicks you. You get a damage bar on the side of the screen that you MUST fill every 20 seconds or you’re toast.

Can you hear it? Can you hear the screams of despair as the world comes crashing down around us if this idea was implented. True symphony of destruction.

You made that up right? If not I’m scared. (great song, I would click if Pour Some Sugar on Me was not already playing)


Maybe you’re the common denominator…

I did make it up. Could you imagine? Every single damage point a healer or tank does to the mob might potentially rob a DPS from staying in the group. Lordy. The screams. The laughter. The chaos.

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Would never work, even the jerks would be upset, its no fun when the game kicks someone.

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The whole “hello hows it going” thing for me personally…
I have autism and very bad anxiety, and I have been told many times recently for learning a new class to KMS in a key.
I rarely talk unless I have friends around anymore.


I want to know when the internet was so gosh darn friendly. Sure they spoke more but they were your mom and /2 anal jokes
#analgavel of light


Agreed, it’d never be realistic for groups. They might be able to implement it in the new follower dungeons though - as a challenge or training mode. So you can visually see the bar filling and how much damage you’re putting out on a practice run. I mean details will list it and they have that pie chart that sort of shows you how your damage is broken down, but it’s not quite the visual cue which would keep you pressured to meet the preset damage goal.

I understand you. Today during the 18 keystone run, my Druid exited the game after the tank accidentally aggroed a stack of mobs during the boss pull. We ended up having to fight the boss with only 4 people. I was blamed for the mishap and told that I should watch a video of the dungeon run on YouTube.

I play a Restoration Shaman. Is it my fault that there’s a lack of DPS and that I run out of mana because they constantly pull spiders on the last platform?

chatgpt for translate

ugh, outta likes but here :blue_heart: :metal:

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It is very hit or miss it seems, even for newcomer chat, just a mixed bag.

Because of years of conditioning the player-base to only think about themselves rather than helping others.

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I am always rude

To myself

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Unfortunately, I love the QoL of retail but I also love the sense of community Classic has

I remember those days. Back in WOD, I didn’t have addons, and I’d be kicked from LFR, though I tried my hardest. It’s why I focused on Old Content for so long, because they said such mean things. Then my family group started, we started pushing keys, I got addons, changed my build to be nominal at least in the group.
I mean, I’m after a decade of warlocking, I’m good I guess, but I do miss the game without… Worrying about damage and all. Like, sometimes, I’m that guy irritated by the bottom barrel not trying anything, and don’t remember that that was me long ago, trying my best.
Weird man.

Dude , because they are 12 years old. They aren’t socially matured, but daddy bought them an MMO. Figured this out a long time ago

12 years old… omg
I deleted my post after I see your post…
I thought most of here are at least 20 years old young adult, so they could pay bills. now I shocked! and I understand why. that doesn’t mean kids can say like that but I don’t wanna deal with 12years old child.
I decided turn off the chat from today.

You’ve always sacrificed everything. It’s time to treat yourself right.


Nerds will be nerds my friend. Ive been playing since 2008 and havent made one friend yet