Why is everyone so mean?

YES! I play FF14 also, it’s WAY more friendly. Which is odd, because it’s a very large game too. I mostly play EQ, which is tiny, but has the best community i’ve gamed with ever. Which makes sense because we are just happy that our ancient dying game is still alive. haha

But it’s weird that FF14 and WoW have such different communities. Maybe it’s because FF14 is not about optimizing, dps, meta and gear progression. It’s more about tansmog, housing and story.


The “group finder community” is people who use the group finder to list premade groups, which do not have a vote to kick option.

Randoms do not have anything resembling a community.

The fact you’re steering new players away from joining guilds and making possible friends is sad, just because you can’t handle a little bit of toxicity every now and again doesn’t mean others can’t. What’s funny to me is, people who complain about toxicity are the ones who are also toxic.

Yes, but also in FF14 they banned using meters and publicly talking about them to people, too. You can use them, just don’t let anyone know you’re using them in game. Now, you can still get around this via discord n stuff, but in the game you can’t whisper or publicly call people out in their raids or dungeons or anything. With WoW it’s no holds bars.

People don’t want their time to be wasted. If you’re not performing good, you’re wasting their time, thus removed.

I may be using the wrong nomenclature. I am referring to the tool that automatically places you in a dungeon with other random player.

That’s just random people - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Or you could stop making experiences toxic. This game is better as a SP game now because of people like you.

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Was this comment direct to the OP? I’m confused. I am not trying to steer people away from joining guild. I think joining a guild is a great idea.

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Now, you’re automatically assuming things. By a ridiculous comment of yours, I’d assume you’re the one making experiences toxic.

Eh nah, Rigatoni is not a nice person. You don’t have to defend yourself as if you are, it’s just not genuine. Have some integrity.

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How is saying “hello” making the experience toxic? How is saying, “maybe we give the person low DPS a chance to do better before we kick them” toxic? Those are the only things I referenced in my OP.

When I was a kid and old man sprayed me with a hose and told me to get off his lawn. It’s been downhill from there.


How’s your relationship with your dad now?


If anyone cares about this ones opinion, its because this game goes out of its way to make every player an obstacle to overcome, that tends to get worse the higher up the ladder you go.

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I think that’s personal perspective. Where one sees hindrance, another sees challenge, and another sees opportunity.

And your opinion is valid. You have some good contributions in GD from what I’ve read.

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I don’t disagree and would even argue that viewing the obstacle as a challenge is the only thing a player can do.

But the way Blizzard actively designs all its content encourages people to view others as, obstacles at worst, and at best; tools.

Which does not a very positive community make.


Efficiency, gold/hour, xp/hour etc is the name of the game now. It is just reflection of real world.
Btw, find good guild and dont pug, all these problems will be non-existant.

I still think the first line of attack is to look at personal performance and see if it’s up to snuff before we launch into our teammates obvious issues. But I say that and I don’t always do that.

And, sigh, I’m outta likes, D, so here :blue_heart:

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People just aren’t used to conversation in queues that’s all. Mean doesn’t have anything to do with it.