Why is everyone so mean?

As the pool continues to dry, only the salt is left behind.


I dont know your age, but do you remember that song “Physical” in the early 80s?
Olivia newton john.
Song got banned from a list of radio stations for being too suggestive lmao.
ok…so its over the line, maybe…but then how the hell does some trash like howard stern get the airtime? lol
I’ll take suggestive over that garbage any day.


Yep, hard agree. If people honestly believe they’re free from consequences, animal instinct comes out. passes conch


I absolutely remember that. I also remember them bleeping out words of songs, particularly in rap and rock and metal. While on the same stations Howard Stern and Mancow Muller were dropping the elf-bomb on the radio broadcast like every third word. It was absolutely ridiculous, who the rules applied to and who got to skate on by.


That’s a fair point. I guess I am naturally social. I will give the quiet people a pass. But those that are mean out of the gate, boggles my mind.


Lesser children of greater sires, got it. You’re not wrong.

Having done probably thousands of dungeons over the years, I find it kind of suspect simply because no one ever talks in them, and rarely ever vote kick someone unless they’re AFK. So either you are a unicorn, or this is pure BS.

Except anonymity tends to bring out the worst in people. People say stuff ingame and in forums that would get them popped in the nose if said in public.

Look no further then twitter.

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I think sometimes, people have the party/instance chat disabled. Some people don’t respond unless using /say, but even then some people have that disabled as well!

Most people aren’t mean, but 1 in 5 are. Pareto Principal, also known as 80/20 rule, is a documented social phenomena. Always 20% doing most of the work, 20% causing most of the problems. If you choose to group with randoms, you have a 1-in-5 chance of meeting these people, which means the average group will have one.

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It’s that hippity hop music. And baggy pants


I am often baffled by people in this game. The only thing I can think of is that they are unhappy people in real life who are afraid to deal with the source of their issues so they go online and abuse strangers. It’s a very cowardly thing to do, honestly.

For awhile I was playing in the mornings on a server – quite early. Suddenly people were saying hello again, and joking. Nobody ever got kicked. I figured people who play early in the morning are largely night shift workers . . .adults. Not even young adults. Just working people who were happy to get a LFG in before hitting the hay. Also maybe retired people and folks who are disabled or don’t work full-time days for various reasons? Anyway it was such a better experience.

When I switched to playing early afternoons? Ye gods. The nastiness and trolling and impatience was remarkable. These folks were very likely students getting home from school? Given the attempts to get attention via bad behavior, it seemed like a young male crowd. No offense but we all know school-aged males very often have some growing up to do. Could also be adults coming home from a long day at work at a not-fun job.

And then in the evenings it was a very mixed bag but that seemed like when most people were doing their own thing and were focused on efficiency, which makes sense if you just got your kids to bed and have only a couple hours to play, or only have limited playing time for other reasons.

I’m a sensitive flower, lol, so I tend to avoid group content these days. My old lady heart can’t take the abuse. It used to make me mad and I’d either fire back or cry (I cry when I am mad, much to my chagrin). These days I just get really sad. Deeply sad at how human beings are so mean and intolerant. So I stay away from people a lot. My dogs are much kinder and more patient.

Cool you played D1 football. What position? I’m a big football fan and love me some defense.


Life sucks, then you die.

Most of the players playing this game are older players, like myself, who have been playing this game for over a decade to say the least.

It’s not a safe space, it’s not a good experience for newer players regardless of how much blizzard tries to implement it.

The facts are here:
As we age and get more responsibilities people get more impatient as ever. We have families, kids, wives/husbands, jobs, etc. These all end up taking attention and parts of the day. As such there is limited amounts of time left in a day to do what we can enjoy doing. Because of this little time left we have no patience for incompetence for any reason.

It could be that those dudes who got kicked cause of lower damage were simply distracted, playing bad specs, new to the game, etc. It doesn’t matter, it’s getting in the way of what little time there is left in the day for us to enjoy our gaming time.

You want people to be nicer? Make sure life stops costing more money than is needed so people don’t have to work as hard. Everything requires attention to some degree or another and when your attention is spent between family and job obligations/responsibilities, and then real life commitments and other things, what little you have left for gaming tends to be sacred because many people use this game as a sacred space to enjoy themselves. People not being able to keep up, for any reason, violates this sacred time by making it take longer than it should and could.

Most people that understand this game have years of knowledge that others simply don’t. You have to look up guides, etc. to learn how to play your characters correctly and the unfortunate thing about gaming nowadays is: people don’t simply have time for mess ups, and they don’t have the patience. Everyone optimizes the “fun” out of games and games have become about “optimizing” basically being robots.

I mean, I’ll say something face to face that I’ll say online…but then, I have had my life threatened many times, so I figure its connected somehow, lol

Yeah this is why back in Vanilla-Wrath the game just felt right, because back then America felt right.

I wanted to make a thread about this, but I have no idea how it would start or would even be the point of it, it’s just an interesting phenomena.

Oh it’s confusing yet also pointless to make gold in WoW other than for essential repairs? Yep, just like money in real life right now.
Your raid team isn’t safe from disbanding at any moment? Yup, just like your job security IRL.
Blizzard is purposely confusing, obfuscating and lacks transparency, yup, just like every employer right now and basically the government too.
People on the forums and in game look for every reason to deny your progression and issue just because of random hatred and aim to piss you off, yup, just like every employer right now and anyone even remotely close to having a chip on their shoulder.

Woah, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you on the forums/GD! Welcome back! Unless I’m that situationally UNaware and you’ve been posting all this time, then we can just leave this awkward post up for posterity :upside_down_face:

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It’s not just that, it’s people in general. I now have to tell new players to not talk to anyone if they want to enjoy the game. How sad is that? Don’t talk in LFG, don’t talk in chat, don’t be social at all. That’s how you WoW now without people flaming you, or reporting you for being cool, thus making them feel inferior.


Me in FF14: :heart_eyes:

Me in WoW: :rage:


You’re assuming everyone is rude all because they don’t want someone in their group or they don’t say hello. Not everyone is forced to say hi to you and if someone is holding the group back from progressing then they should be kicked. That doesn’t make someone rude lol, it just means they want the group to progress a bit faster and not have their time wasted.