Why is everyone so mean?

As a Vanilla player, i hear you. I solo content quite a bit an keep a tight circle of other players. You just have to reach out to like minded players. Too many E-sport minded players ingame now. Everyone is in a rush :man_shrugging:t5:

Interestingly, both Howard Stern and Jerry Springer looked back on their careers and admitted what they pandered did more harm to American society than good. Both had intense regrets.


Don’t mistake being quiet for being mean.

When it comes to group finder, sometimes people just want to get in and get out as fast as possible.

If you’re looking for people to chat with, maybe join a guild/community?


Very true. You’ve seen the nonsense that comes out of my head. That’d get me booted faster than my dps.

I’m quiet.

I don’t know what the group finder does to people. When doing stuff out in the world you meet the nicest people on the planet. Once you queue for 5 mans you get placed with four literal Hitlers

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There could be all sorts of exterior factors that contributes towards players being nasty to one another.

I’ve often thought since Blizzard tightened the tap on item drops that players in turn tighten their time on playing, since continuously playing while not gaining any meaningful rewards or progress is going to irritate you, even if you know that you’ll get a “payout” once a week.

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it’s not a game thing, it’s a society thing. way too many people out there are perpetually angry and looking for a reason to snap.


It’s so odd how our experiences are all so different.

I haven’t needed to do LFD in a long time, but when I do for the CTA satchel, this almost never happens. In fact, I can’t remember the last time anyone was ever kicked in an LFD group.

It’s usually like, “hello”
proceed to demolish dungeon in 10 minutes
exit dungeon

Sucks that happened to you. I know everyone hates this but… find a community of likeminded people and you won’t have this problem. Many exist, despite what the forums will tell you.


Oh, grow up.


Also doesn’t help that in terms of mmorpg variety there just isn’t anything like WoW that’s new on the market.

Hence some people digging in here and making it worse for everyone else.


People who never grew up and the game is probably their only achievement in life, or something like that.

If you think Retail’s community is bad, you should see Classic lol.

It’s actually worse. Maybe it’s the time investment required or whatever, but it attracts the worst people.

20 year old game and the people playing it are 35 year old adult children that never moved on lol.

Because most of them are teenagers. You’re better off playing in a group you put together yourself or a guild group. You don’t have to be in their guild. They usually advertise their raids as “guild group”. You may find your tribe that way. You’re welcome to join us if you need a guild, but we are on Stormrage. Anyways, good luck!

I do try; even if it may not seem like it sometimes :melting_face:


Wow is not a new player friendly game. I wouldn’t recommend anyone new to it unless I sat down with them and explained everything, which I don’t want to do.

The game needs a hard reset, no addons, no meters, a WoW 2 or hell call it a different game at this point. The meters, parses, all that crap has and is currently driving what is left of the mainstream casual audience away.


Eh true. We see plenty of evidence of humanities cruelty with torture and war as well and the jockey for power.

Probably it’s credulous at best, ones desire to believe in angels in the hearts of men when really we are little more that beasts and monsters.


some video I watched in the last few years here, an interview with marylin manson…dude seems like he had some regrets too pushing the idea that its ok to treat people the way he tried to project…that ‘self is god and no one else matters’ attitude.
Probably just a stage show thing, but kids take it seriously.
Gene Simmons of KISS couldnt figure out why kids didnt want to pay for music anymore lmao. Dude, its a new generation…one that Simmons and his kind told it was ok to rock and roll all night and party every day and have no responsibility to others.

I remember Stern when his shock radio crap was pretty new. Not someone I even wanted to listen to, especially after watching him say horrible things to his guests and a few of them getting up and leaving.

Somehow the gaming community has way too many of their kind in it.
Im pretty damned obnoxious, can be, but I like to target my hate at those who have done something to deserve it.
Stern and his kind just thought anyone should put up with their behavior, deserved or not.


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

That desire to believe in angels in the hearts of men is socialized into us as babies. Think about all the young children’s tv programs - Sesame Street, Barney, Thomas the Train (circa 80s); Dragon Tales, Magic School Bus, Madeline (circa 90s); I could go on, but you get the idea.

All of these shows start systematically teaching us to be nice, to share, to cooperate with others, to be thoughtful good friends, to navigate things like honesty/dishonesty. They make us believe the potential for utmost good/justice in the hearts of others, if -we- behave well, others will treat us fairly.

Then you hit school age and you start finding out the only ones who treat you semi-fairly if you behave well are your teachers, mayyyybe your close friends (if you’re lucky.) After that, you get into middle school and puberty and learn that teachers treat everyone differently based on preferences, everyone else is a crapshoot. And finally, at 18, you realize everyone does their own thing, regardless of how you choose to behave - so you get the joy of renegotiating your whole world view just to survive.

It’s a fantastic tragedy.


Well, Stern and others realized the American addiction to drama. They fed it, because it fed them - and fed them incredibly well. He knew it was wrong then, but didn’t care. The green eyed monster of fame and money had its claws deep into his psyche. That kind of notoriety is intoxicating. Good, bad, or ugly - as long as his name and shenanigans were popular, he didn’t care about the fall out. Until Dana Plato committed self deletion of her being a day after he shredded her on his show. That was in 1999, and the first time he realized what he was doing was destructive. Granted, it still took him another couple decades to embrace the entirety of the wake of his chaos. But… again, one gets addicted to their own self importance and it’s all collateral damage.


funny u think that bc most players here are like middle aged disguntled old wow vets w/ some retirees. youd like to think theyre teens with the way they flip around here but here we are lol.

the younger crowd are on cat fantasy online we barely get new blood as it is no less young ppl lol.
ppl on here are terrible are this game itself is not new player friendly at all.