Why is everyone so mean?

If I’m dungeons I can queue up for, I am normally listening to music or talking to someone on discord, to help make it less boring.

I find that a majority of dungeons, no one kicks anyone, but no one is social, either. It feels like I’m playing with AI until someone speaks up because they got lost.

If someone gets lost, 4/5 times they will be votekicked. Same with being afk at the door.

Only sometimes, when defending the tank, will a votekick be stopped.

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What happens when you construct a “community” molded entirely in personal gain, with zero restrictions or ramifications, and where single-minded selfishness is what gives you results?

Oh wait… So azeroth is just the United States in the modern era? Motherf*****s just need Jesus.


We have Green Jesus.


Meeting nice randoms is such a rarity that my Guild actually made a Community for keeping in touch with people we enjoyed hanging out with to run more content later. (Since most folks already have their own Guilds)

Ya gotta hang onto the good ones when you find them.


At least in M+ people have more incentive to complete the key, and not just quit instantly because they need the group to complete it with them. There’s definitely still a fair share of toxicity that can happen in a key group tho, so don’t think it ends there by any means, the format just changes to different toxic behavior. lol

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Internet has made people this way. The world’s a cruel unforgiving place for those deemed weak.

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There is no feedback loop for behavior online. If someone behaves well and betters the community, there is no positive reinforcement of that behavior. If someone acts negatively, it’s fine until it’s grossly impactful to another player and then they just ban. Often those bans don’t even have a full explanation.

It’s not just wow, it’s online gaming. It’s not just America either. I’ve seen vitriol from other countries too.

There are nice people out there, sometimes you just gotta turn up a few more stones before you find a grub. :slight_smile:

Fwiw, someone at work ate food they didn’t put in the fridge. I seriously thought that was a sitcom/online comic thing until now. How do you teach someone that the fridge isn’t unclaimed frontier waiting for whoever stakes a claim first. I mean…pretty sure I understood that concept before I started attending school…


I mean i know the worst players are casual players, the ones that do like LFR and random dungeons and hate on everyone, yea theres some toxic higher players but they seem like they have more brain cells

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Tbh, this game forces so much grinding that by the time you’re having to do content you consider trivial, it drives you insane to see people screwing around instead of playing efficiently.

Luckily I have the manners not to say anything to people, but I’m thinking/saying out loud pretty mean things about people in keys on a daily basis. Lol

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Reason #714 why i stopped healing…to many disgruntled postal workers in game, evidently. I play to enjoy my game time, not have it ruined by juveniles trapped in adult bodies.

M+ ?
If not, then probably could have been ignored and everyone just moved along.

for blizzards part wth that agreement we have to agree to, I think they are actually trying to remedy the situation.
but just like law enforcement cant stop crime, bliz cant stop juveniles from behaving like they do. You can react to them after the fact, but preventing the kiddies from ruining someone elses day before it happens isnt possible.

funny part?
100% that its the same “MUH MMO’z” sort we get in here railing about it being MULTI player while exhibiting foul behavior that no one wants to play with in the first place.

do what I do…dont…as in, get involved. Play the game as solo as you can, find other things to do to fill out your game time other than playing with miserables, then if you get bored get another hobby to fill some time too.

Im sure the disgruntled postal worker gets a kick out of it, lol

Wow has become the kind of game that people would rather do stuff inside circles or guilds or in discord with a group of friends. Now friendship, guilds and circles takes a certain level of mental stability and social interaction with a sprinkle of common sense. With that you often end up getting kicked removed or otherwise ousted. What’s left is a person that can’t properly act around others. People that don’t have access to those 3 are often in pugs or automated make made up groups. Now that don’t mean that all of the people using LFG lfr and the such are all bad but the vast majority of them get filtered into these grab all from a pool systems and you end up with a dummy once in a while on. 5 man and then multiply that by 6 on a 30 man pug. And you got the opportunity to join one of the most toxic filtered by default groups you can be unlucky to join.

Join a guild or a discord server. Filter out the toxic and enjoy the real wow.

Then there the chance to find a proper guild… But that’s another dice roll heb


This might be the single least self aware comment I’ve ever read, lmao.


My experience probably lines up with your words here.
What ive seen is ‘bad’ players who are clearly M+/raider wannabes who didnt make the cut, but THINK theyre better than they are who come down into LFR and other lowbie content screeching like the hounds of hell when anyone makes a mistake…while they themselves are proving they kinda suck at least as bad as they person theyre foaming at.

I have utmost respect for the REAL raider…REAL M+…players…you can pick them out of a lineup. Game play is down to an exact science. Not a mistake made. If things go wrong they act like mature adults and laugh it off and actually make the game enjoyable.

The wannabes, well, I hate being in the same damned group with them nearly every time because theres about a 68% chance theyre going to ruin the run somehow

Just goes to show no matter how obviously unserious a post is

Someone will take it serious


Ehhhh… people have always been this way. The internet just makes it so that we experience it more frequently ; thus making more people seem mean (when truth it’s our exposure that has increased, not human behavior). Back in the 1700-1800s we had to write out our public gripes/criticisms with others and hope the newspaper editors published them - they were called press attacks.

Most of the hate iv seen on the forums where from casual players

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Nope, just depression

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It’s always been like this in PUGs people don’t care about you, you’re a number and expected to carry your own weight. A good guild will help you build your character in gear/rotation, and help keep you on the path of success.

Pug’s are harsh! In my first ever one High Maul normal, I did a couple bosses and get told “some people were never meant to heal.” And got kicked! I ended up doing BRF mythic :sunglasses: and heroic highmaul/HFC.

Pugs are so fragile, one wipe everyone whines/leaves then the group either disbands or sits for 45 mins waiting to fill the roll.

It’s difficult because no one has an obligation to be the best/be nice to you/stick through the whole thing.

I’m not saying it’s right to pick people out/call them out. But it has always been like this, it got so bad in legion I decided to lead my own pugs so I didn’t have to put up with toxicity/cry babies when a wipe comes.

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lol…thats the irony. If no one says anything, its probably great people in the run.
The problematic ones nearly always out themselves and draw attention pretty quickly from my experience.

I blame Howard Stern and that say anything shock radio crap that taught a generation of Marylin Manson acolytes that you can do and say anything you want to anyone you want any time you want and there are no repucussions.
End of the 80s all thru the 90s with that trash.

I personally think this generation is trying its hardest to get back to civility but because their world was corrupted by Stern and his ilk, they just dont know what it looks like or how to get to a point where everyone ISNT saying hateful crap and ‘trolling’ everyone else to get a reaction.

I hope they can get there again. I hope they find the world they clearly want to live in where everyone can actually talk like decent human beings again and its not cool to be an irritating loud mouthed edgelord.

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As someone who is often using group finder to level, I mostly just want to get through the dungeon, so I mostly say nothing, even if someone says “hello” at the start. Sometimes people will say things jokingly that are relevent to what’s going on in the dungeon/group, and depending on if I’m feeling social or not, I might reply. While having people say negative things, whether about you or just in general bringing the atmosphere down, sucks, the people who say nothing probably just aren’t in the mood for talking. They’re in the dungeon for one reason or another, but it isn’t to chat. Now obviously some people will be more receptive, but you mostly get the silent people.

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