Why is everyone so mean?

This is fake news.
No one’s kicking from m+, and no one’s kicking from Norm/Heroic dungeons for “low dps”. And certainly no one is getting kicked for saying “just give them a chance”.
Hellos at the beginning and ggs or tys at the end are commonplace.
No screenshots of the tall tale either of course.
Moreover, the name checks out.
This whole post is fake news, flag for trolling and move on.

also x to doubt

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I refuse to do anything but

Maybe they’re assigned crew? Easier to scoot through security


No, why? Curious why you are asking that? :slight_smile:

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At this point in the expansion I don’t do normal or heroics much, but nearly 100% of the time I do run them there is a WIDE difference in performance between the group and I’ve never seen someone kicked for low DPS.

But when it comes to this issue…

There’s over a million strangers in the game. You can’t expect them to meet up and act like old friends every time.

The only thing more bizarre than expecting that is trying to force everyone to fake it with whatever egregious redefinition of “social contract” people can come up with.


Not everyone is a saint when you’re pugging M+ but from my personal experience it’s MUCH better than the random queue content.


I am not expecting anyone to fake anything. I just thought it was normal for people to be kind and polite. I didn’t realize this was redefining a “social contract”. I thought it was normal practice. It is for me.


Well I never said I was nice.

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I’ve been doing a bit of timewalking since yesterday, probably 18-20 hours and not once have I seen a vote kick initiated. To be fair I’ve been playing various dps so queue time is around ~5 minutes. Very rarely do people even chat.

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I blame it on the anonymity of the internet in general. It’s taught a whole generation of people that there aren’t any consequences for being a jerk. And an inability to empathize with others.

I don’t have any easy solutions for the internet anonymity–I certainly don’t want to be “big brothered”. But people in WoW simply don’t face any real consequences to their actions.


You also never said you weren’t :upside_down_face:


In WoW? It’s the result of combining player anonymity with bad game design.


Right? I’ve met a few folks from the forums in former LFR’s.


I was in LFR with Fuzz and someone was like “hey I recognize you from the forums!”

I was like, “oh no…” but it was actually a very positive conversation. They were after their leggo. They sadly didn’t get it that time but hopefully when they run it this week they get it.


some people act very differently when they believe they are anonymous and that there are no repercussions.

if you are talking about running LFG heroics, I almost always say “hey there” or some such.

I find that the vast majority of M+ players are actually just fine to play with. there is always that one guy who just has to run his mouth off.

I have actually seen far fewer leavers in M+ this season. and even if one dps leaves, timing the key is almost never a problem.


I blame rock ‘n’ roll.

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Have yet to meet one of these in my travels. I’ve only seen people talk about them like this.
…Is this like a bigfoot thing?


Anybody who wants people to be nice is a ‘safe space’ person. Its basically used by jackwagons as an insult for having empathy.


the mistake you’re making is assuming all those people not saying anything aren’t nice people.


Typical keyboard warrior. Everyone, including your little insecure self, knows you wouldn’t say anything face to face. You’re too much of a tough guy behind the keyboard to fool anyone.

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Unless you mean a pug raid group, I haven’t seen anybody be kicked for low dps in a random dungeon or LFR in an extremely long time.

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