Why is everyone so mean?

do you ride a star destroyer???

I never have had DPS meters, but I have seen this. I am terrible though as a DPS and have never had this happen to me. So I am always curious how bad their DPS had to be lol.

I ride a horse with eight legs across the great rainbow bridge which constitutes the main thoroughfare of our intra and extra-stellar star roads.
It’s a lot faster than it sounds, but slower than that feels.

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are you sure this isn’t an isolated incident? I have rarely come across people that are “mean”. I do get the occasional elitist tank but it’s honestly not even that bad.

this game’s community is pretty mild compared to what I’ve seen/read in other games and forums.

Sounds like there’s Holes in this story tbh

what if you rode a horse with 1 leg and it pogo jumps all over the place

That would be the civilian model.

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All Hail Star-Captain Crouton!

When someone once said, “this salad isn’t crunching enough”, someone else responded with stale bread!

How is a horse with one leg going to stay on a pogo stick?

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The horse is only limited by the size of it’s imagination.



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I get that but, its different than actual face to face interactions. Would we be so distant then?
I.E. You are riding on a bus its kinda crowded but you snag a seat and are sitting comfortably. Some old lady boards and is standing next to you clearly struggling to keep her balance in the shaky bus. You donʻt know her, shes a stranger to you. Would you just watch her or give up your seat knowing full well that she would probably not do the same for you.
(im using the general ʻyouʻ not pointing at a specific poster)

As for me, I would give up my seat.
I gain nothing except maybe the thanks of a stranger iʻll probably never see again.
But iʻll feel like a decent person.
I usually try to do the same in game.

Don’t let it discourage you, the majority of WoW players are nice people who just want to enjoy the game. The people who ruin the game for everyone else are a very small margin of the player population, they just happen to be the loudest. Just like someone else mentioned WoW is a microcosm of real life, and most of the people you meet in real life are good people.

Psychologically we tend to focus on the negative. If you were given a list of adjectives others wrote about you, most of us would gloss over all the positive words and immediately notice the negative words first. This tricks our brain into thinking this is the normal, but it’s not.

When you join a group, be polite, say hello. When it’s done thank the group and compliment them. Nine times out of ten it will be an enjoyable experience, on that tenth time just add the rudes to your ignore list and you will never have to deal with them again

The ones in between have gone through both ends and wish nothing to do with either and say nothing in fear of what may happen.

Only safe place is where people agree with ,there is none in this world.

If it helps:

Many of the people who get agitated that their dungeon is taking 20 seconds longer and jump to kick low dps (I’m not talking about high mythic) are 14 year olds, probably.


Ask and you shall receive.

You can substitute the wordage in the equal segment for any insult, (IE: Racist, Hater etc.) but usually it is the ones that are the most taboo and that are designed to shut down any come back, presumably because Higher Education has failed to properly train the Person in the final equation on what to say, or how to think; if they or their views are actually challenged.

It’s not harsher than necessary. The game makes the players. If we were playing a game anyone could succeed at, nobody would do this.

In this game it’s actually kinder to give people the signal they need to stay out of group finder if they can’t cut it, because they’re eventually going to reach a level where they are the reason the group cannot succeed.

It’s the difference between being a jerk at the store over an apple when we have plenty of food, and slapping it out of somebody’s hand when you’ll starve without it, and they won’t live, even with it.

You were a football player. Imagine if people could pop onto your team through group finder and they just couldn’t cut it. You would have to protect your team with abuse, which is the only way to keep them out of content they don’t belong in.

Welcome to World of Warcraft. Where the only empathy you’ll find is in the weaponized form.

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You don’t even have to ask :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

because they are horrible people that are known as trolls IRL