Why is everyone so mean?

Me as well. I am generally friendly and helpful but also shy. However, I don’t suffer fools gladly. I’m fine with people who just don’t know something, but far less fine with selfish jerks amusing themselves at someone else’s expense.

And you are truly nasty to me or someone else I will fight back.

My thesis director called me a “twisted girl scout” many years ago and he was a wise man.

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I’m too lazy to check if someone’s linked it already but there’s a youtube video titled “Why it’s rude to suck at warcraft” you might find interesting

the mean people are typical trolls

Meta would’ve fallen off before you reached the first trash pack. He had no clue what he was talking about.

Random players in groupfinder are never going to see you again, so their incentives are other players who are the least detriment possible to their needs. If this vexes you so then you’re always free to avoid groupfinder, and pugging in general. That’s what I’ve been doing for the better part of 14 years in this game now because this issue is a very old one.

it is because in real life they are trolls.

I don’t turn to stone in sunlight so I can’t be a troll.

Some people are extremely abusive. Just ignore them and move on.

I was in LFR Fyrakk on my warrior today. We wiped to lack of dispels. Instead of looking at meters and calling out on someone, I just say we wiped to debuff. Please dispel immediately. The raid is smooth sailing after that.

Trying to stay positive is always good.

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Isn’t that what gargoyles do? Trolls just live under bridges and demand your money if you try to cross. Or eat you. Or both.

I think it’s a defensive reflex by people who’ve been hurt alot, whether ganked/flamed/yelled at and don’t want it to happen again, to them, so they do it to others now. Idk.

Tolkien’s trolls turn to stone in sunlight. If I’m going to be a troll I’m going to be a classic troll.

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Well that makes sense then, but the three billy goats gruff say:

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many people that are mean in the game are known as human trolls in RL - the hide in the basement and come out just to be mean to people