Why is everyone so mean?

is he asking those questions again?

what do you mean questions


the kind of questions that have very obvious answers.

Apparently not obvious enough.

how do you not know what a cabbage is?

For key groups, I type some form of ‘hello ty’ when joining a group. Sometimes if they dont say anything for a few minutes I leave. Occasionally I remove players from my own group if they don’t respond.

I assume an inability to respond to basic communication = their skill level, or generally poor attitudes.

I always drop a feast. Sometimes emote yell “GROSS! There’s a Gnome hair in the chicken salad!”

Helps to break the ice, as they say.

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And it’s people like you I despise. I rarely say anything bc I do not like people. I’m in a key to press buttons, not chit chat.

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everytime i see someone drop a feast i kick the feast across the room.

I like making small talk, and generally being silly in low keys (if not in disc) or LFG dungeons. never at the expense of timing it or being abrasive - cuz I can see it from your perspective, too: folks want to queue for a dungeon, get the rush of seeing things melt, enjoy using abilities, etc.

There may be any number of reasons why folks don’t respond, one of which may simply be they’re typing in /g or /s and not /i or /p. Or, they simply don’t want that kinda interaction.

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usually the only socialization I do is in discord bc I’ve literally lost an account before bc I have the mouth of a drunk sailor. LOL

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I hear you, but are you saying it only changes in a negative sense? Because I don’t think that’s true.

I think it’s more like giving people anonymity is like giving them a bit of alcohol. Some will imbibe wisely and in moderation; whereas others will ‘go wild’ and reveal the more hidden depths of their personality. For some it’ll be mostly good, silly, funny aspects. For others the impulses will be darker, possibly a lot darker.

Only based on what i’ve seen, most players seem to handle anonymity fine and are actually pretty pleasant, or they simply choose to not interact to begin with. But there is a smallish percentage that handles anonymity poorly and is more than ready to pursue harming others for the ‘fun’ of it. These types, though rarer, stick out more in our memories because they are actually pretty awful people, if they are eager to harm others in game. And without a doubt you would want to avoid them IRL.

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Cool. Despise me. That you refuse to type a simple ‘hi’ on your keyboard speaks volumes about you. You are playing a massively multiplayer online game just FYI. ‘Hi’ is not chitchat. Apparently basic human interactions are beyond you.

Luckily, I’m off in 5 hours. Looking foward to blasting keys tomorrow night, in a game that’s nowhere mean and toxic as the forums claim.


i despise draenei.

Lots of moody people out there… seems like.

Yeah. I may engage in some occasional mid dugeon/raid banter or conversation, but I’m never the one who starts it. If I’m queueing up for something, I usually mean business and I’m not there for idle chit chat. But I’m not opposed to it either most days.

There are days though where my mood is either sour or neutral that I just don’t want to say anything. It’s nothing personal. If people want to assume my skill level is crap as a result then that’s their prerogative. I truly couldn’t care less.


I will say o/ and tyfg… unless things get horrendously bad, then i’ll say pls interrupt/dispel/do the affix

Being a good and reliable player really helps.


I love your cabbages. me chomp them good.

Another reason people are mean, is because if this was real life, if you die your soul goes to the Shadowlands and if you die in the Shadowlands you’re dead forever