Why is everyone so mean?

Exclusively! a few years back I moved the the whole Family back.

West coast server right?
Still horde?

It is west coast, I am not, though. - long story.

I’ve been kinda bouncing between both lately farming.
Rumbelly - alliance - primarily.
unuthwun on horde

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Both sides sound fun, which side do you play more often?

I’d say Alliance this go around. I really wanted a KT druid.

I have nothing on tich though.

Would be a fresh start for me.

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Wait 8 days. I have 7 left and am on the fence. I would hate for you to waste any time.

But that’s super kind of you! Would be fun, but we don’t actually need to be on the same server to futz around, right?

Think of this way.

If a WoW player was a swimmer, they would only accept an Ian Thorpe or Michael Phelps on their team,

If a WoW player was a footballer, they wouldn’t settle less for a Tom Brady,

If a WoW player was a basketballer, they will only accept a Michael Jordan,

You get the gist, wow players only want the best of the best of the best of the best of the best…

It’s why I don’t bother with mythic+, too much stress.

And I’m Star-Captain Crouton, emissary of the G’rg-flrch Galactic Supercluster.


I have had the same experience in the past when playing an alt. The last raid that kicked me though back then for bad DPS finally said something to help me. It fixed the problem completely. It stuck in my head and really helped me . They said " If you are going to play alts ,then at least go get weakauras or Hekili ". That is what I did. I started using Hekili to help me on my spell rotations on alts. It is not perfect at all ,but it does give you a good idea about what you should have on your bar and what you should be casting.
I have not been kicked since.
Now I will be because I just jinxed myself lol

there is an army of Human trolls that just like to nit pick others ideas. They will harass people constantly if they disagree with a post. Some posts are serious and some are for fun.

But trolls do not understand that at all and they love to harass people

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Gasps in Spanish

I have an irl friend group of around 10-12 guys/girls and this comes up as a regular point of discussion in discord or regular chat. Almost all of us have FF14 but we have all tried WoW.

Basically to summarise the WoW vs other points

  • It’s human nature to blame others and WoW rewards are high stakes (timing a key gives significantly more upgrade currency than failing it, raid bosses are also time invest for a group).

  • Sharding leads to a higher level of impersonal feeling towards others. Most people you pug with you’ll never see frequently enough to bond/care about

  • Expectations roll downhill. That side landing in Nokhud. You can bet most levelling parties ‘want you’ to land there now to save time. The M+ route if a 17+ becomes the defacto for a normal

I’ll start by disclaiming that I prefer WoW but the case for human behaviour is different for FF;

  • Essentially you’re on the same shard as everyone else in your server. You will literally see the same people in the same spot. Shards only double/triple up when there are too many people and you can choose which one to go to. This leads to some level of natural community even with people you don’t friend request.

  • With the exception of savage and ultimate most content is low effort/low stakes for failure. Of note though - the attitude atleast over non ingame means can be the same as WoW for difficult content ‘x’ person is useless/etc. Super harsh penalties prevent players from being absolutely off the edge.

  • Niceness has tangible rewards - getting commended enough allows you to become a mentor and obtain another daily roulette.

So they do change.

Yeah, this community can be quite a handful most of the time. It’s hard to see past the toxicity most days. Then there’s other times when you see acts of kindness and it’s actually kind of overwhelming, because you just don’t expect to see that as much, if at all nowadays. There’s still good in the community. It can just be a lot harder to find is all.

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I’m pretty sure I’m one of the nicest guys around.

i dunno you squashed my cabbage.

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what do you mean cabbages


I don’t know how that couldn’t be any clearer.