Why is everyone so mean?

I remember doing a TW Blood Furnace with a monk tank, who was struggling; clearly new to tanking.

The others in the group were of the standard trope- arrogant tryhards, decently geared, high io; all of whom the universe revolved around. All the while, shockingly🙄, lacking the skill to back it up. Multiple wipes due to the Demon Hunter. Because of course.

We get near the last boss, the DH starts spamming the vote kick. Because of course. I vote no every time.

DH starts in in chat, whining about the tank being bad. I point out that they’re clearly a beginner, and their “I’mMa GEarED” tryhard BS wasn’t helping. They start in about how ilvl in TW clearly doesn’t matter, sINcE IT scALEs.

Missing the point entirely… because of course.

If they were actually good at the game, their whining MIGHT have been valid, but the DH alone caused nearly ALL THE WIPES. There’s a time and place for maximum effort, this clearly wasn’t it. And waiting till the last boss to do a vote kick- absolute clown show.

I point that out as well.

I got vote kicked… because of course.

This is why I don’t talk to people in randoms.


This is why you make groups in the group finder and you say hi to each person that joins your group and if they say nothing back then you kick them and find someone who isn’t a bot and can at least say hi back.

its due to repetitive burnout but still chasing the carrots due to addiction to the dopamine feedback loop

people not having fun with the activity itself, just enduring it for the slot machine or tiny amount of currency

that plus just actual toxic players but honestly most players in the game are pretty nice, just not after they are burnt out and wasting their time while not having fun drives them into a frothing rage

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Not buying this bit. There are wonderful, courteous people all over the world who work harder and have less than your average person in the U.S.

That said, I do think we have to something about housing. Rents have to be reasonable. I don’t think everyone is entitled to a McMansion but nobody who works 40 hours a week shouldn’t be able to afford a decent little apartment. I’d like to see governments build housing – smaller complexes that are manageable and that are specifically for working adults. I can’t see any way to bring down rent besides local governments competing with greedy landlords.

I’d also like to see more small houses being built. I lived in 900 SQ with a four person family and it was fine. Kids can share bedrooms. You don’t need four bathrooms. None of us need granite countertops and vaulted ceilings. We need basic small homes for young families.


I understand where you are coming from. I think it’s because people tend to just click yes to kick without giving it too much thought. I have been kicked from lfr for doing too much damage after I queued up with some friends. We were just having a good time until someone accused me of trying to show off. Next thing I knew I was out on my posterior. I didn’t bring it to the forums, though. These people can’t help and some of them would likely repeat it so :person_shrugging:

You’re correct, some do and all, but not usually in the US unless they’re immigrants coming from a diff country, then sure.

I agree, they do get pretty wild and insane in pricing.

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I think it stems from declining population, and too many remaining players are either min-max and/or want ‘muh stuff’ yesterday. It’s also because their parents, primarily, and lack-of-education system failed them.

there are lots of troll that are always angry

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I highly disagree with this. When you give anonymity to people, their persona often changes drastically. There’s a clear difference between online behavior and in-person behavior.

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Only for some people. :fox_face: I’m exactly the same online as in person (or so I’ve been told). :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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I doubt you are 100%, but that’s very nice to hear.

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I’m the same snark filled idiot wherever I find myself.

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I start the day off in a great mood and I decline all day long until I’m put to bed a crying screaming mess. I wake up the next morning a ray of sunshine.

I start the day off grumpy and things don’t improve from there.


I’ll be honest, one wrong thought in the shower and my day could be shot. God I hate the shower and the alone time I suffer with myself.

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I love my alone time and if my day didn’t require me to be around other people the grumpiness from having to get out of bed would go away.


I usually play a hunting game when I need some alone time.
wiggles toes

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I’m not sure I agree with this.

I think it’s more that buttheads don’t have to hide their true nature online. They don’t change, they just drop the nice guy act and finally tell everyone how they really feel. :upside_down_face:

i agree and disagree, sorta. But I feel you are both right. Like, for children, for example, I think they are letting lose and testing waters because they are kids and that’s what they do. Doesn’t make it ok, but that’s what people sometimes learn here.

Adults. sadly it’s the same truth serum as alcohol.


You still play on tich?

wiggles toes

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