Why is everyone so mean?

Are you just mad we gif you cats?


Cats are fine in my book.

I’m talking about the sort that silence or discredits any negative feelings or criticisms even if their valid or whatnot, or use that to disagree with others because it doesn’t aline with what they agree with, or try to use positivity as a form of bullying even. The sort that will gaslight you into being negative and paint themselves as positive, even if their actions indicate otherwise.

A sort of subtle passive aggressiveness if you will.

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Heh. I know whatcha meant, I was just teasing. The cat gif I posted was an allusion to being smothered or attacked by masked cuteness/goodness.



I mocked the grammar usage of 5 people on the forums, and did 10 “Jo mammy” jokes in trade chat this week.

Stacking my Internet Points for the CBD oil in the catalogue.


Lol. Omg this brings back the school fundraising days & the booklet of terrible prizes we’d chase for as kids.


Blizzard doesn’t incentivize being nice.

i blame constipation

No, you need to focus entirely on the crab legs to beat the system. Skip the fillers like cbd oil and bread.

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Wow…this. Saying hello to a person and getting zero response is a fairly significant indicator.

dropped as babies?

I’m not mean, you &^%$.

slams door

:smile: j/k j/k

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I’d wonder how bad is bad but I’ve routinely seen people who are transparently being lazy in that, “Yeah, I can tell you’re pushing two buttons with netflix on the other monitor” kind of way with people pushing DPS worse than the tank on single target.

Short answer? You being bad impacts my enjoyment. When everyone does their job and does it well, runs go smoothly and there’s nothing to complain about. When people don’t do their job and are lazy, at best you’re just wasting my time. At worst you’re expecting me to carry you. Except I’m not being compensated in any way. And you could very easily be klepping the loot that I frankly deserve for it, assuming any drops at all. You letting someone who is bad continue to be bad is actually worse for the entire community.

If I just kick you from the group because you’re bad, one person is inconvenienced and offended and they’re probably aware of exactly why it happened- oops, it turns out people don’t like running content with people who aren’t giving the game the attention it requires. If I leave you in the group, we are now making at least two people angry because you’re establishing acceptable behavior. Except if everyone did that ‘acceptable behavior’ you’d never get anything done. This mentality can easily kill whole raids and guilds. I’ve seen it happen when a guild was obsessed with being inclusive to people who weren’t just bad but also had zero intention of improving. People will only put up with a raid that can’t even beat the first boss in a raid for so long before they start forming their own groups to trim the fat, or just leave.

Being passably good at the game isn’t hard.

Taught a friend how to pally tank, took me about 10 minutes, so I agree on the point it’s not hard to play decent, however I was toxically nice for doing it , so there you go…

Anonymity, makes some internet tough guys.

I just ignore them.

I’m 6’3" on the internet.

You guys have some messed up memories. Or maybe I was just unlucky? Take off those rose tinted glasses. People were rude back then. People are rude now.

It’s not a demographic. It’s not a generation. It’s human nature. Not everyone is. Ones whom are is not an every day thing. So much painting done with very wide brushes in this thread


Unfortunately this here is probably the main factor.

They donʻt know you, they donʻt care about you. You are just a tool to get them what they want. How dare some random internet nobody slow down their xp/min!

Its sad but i think this is what the truth is.

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Not you. The toxic people.

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ty! I am taller on the internet tho.

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To some extent that’s always been true. It’s true I don’t know you. I don’t care about you. Which is not to say that you don’t have value but Unless i’m trying to get to know you … Why would I? And by I don’t care about you I mean i’m neutral.

It makes sense to me