Why is everyone so mean?


Dangit. I thought you had a friend in the first half :frowning:

(Also that is an amazing name for a Tauren)

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People are mean because of certain attitude that wasnt this prevelant until M+ and it rubs off on other people.

Sometimes you gotta be the change you want to see.


I’m usually the nice and/or quiet one in randoms.

Man, I was under the impression you were talking about the forums at first and still agreed. :joy:

As for group finder & dungeons, yeah I suppose it depends on the severity & what boss / encounter you’re doing.

For instance, in LFR:

  • LFR can be a bit irksome because depending on the walk back, or progression it can take up to defeat the boss; so someone not following rather obvious & easy yet extremely punishing mechanics – can be quite frustrating.
  • One off mistake? Sure that’s fine – but twice & ongoing through the fight, or perhaps multiple attempts? … Well yeah, not surprised if a boot happens there.

For raids in general:

  • I suggest people watching a short guide first before attempting – Even if its not something you fully grasp, at least you’ve had a moderate explanation & you can learn + pick up along the way in LFR - “Oooh so that’s what that is!” / “Oh that’s what they were talking about.”


  • Dungeons are a bit more simplistic, and not as intense or punishing as raids — Unless we’re talking about Mythic Plus, but you should probably do lower difficulty or keys of said-dungeons before hammering out the larger ones.
  • People shouldn’t get their nickers in a twist over dungeons, unless it’s a relatively high key – and even then, there’s ways to recoup & progress forward.

Ultimately people in the game should be more respectful to others time, yet in spite of that – You’re 100% right. People in WoW tend to be meaner than what’s necessary – Which in most cases, isn’t even really necessary at all. lol

Well you cant see this now , so I am invisible ( waves arms ) oweeoweeoo , yes I theorize there are a lot of kids playing , which is a good thing for wow , but a bad thing for conversation. of course they know this , or there wouldn’t be a noblegarten or trick or treat . If you are a kid reading this, leave the schoolyard bullying stuff at school and act mature. We try to help each other on wow , not kick the person that’s struggling.

Did you recognize yourself in that post?

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What does this have to do with anything?

Most people socialize in Discord and other social platforms as such, because it’s a place where you don’t have to follow Blizzards Social Contract and be yourself.

There are Communities in guild finder on the side you can join that are social.

Just wait til you stick up for someone, get mass reported - then get some automated warning telling you that your behavior has been reported multiple times and to watch what you’re doing or further account action will take place. Then you learn to just be quiet and not say anything.

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Not a maths person, but hopefully it makes sense.

I spent my early 20s chasing after ladder rankings in games. Being in like the top 20 clans Or if you prefer call them guilds.

And the higher up we went the more toxic people became, and I’m not naturally an angry or toxic person, but it brought out the worst in me.

What I love about single player, games and world of Warcraft Is that there’s enough side adventure, and pass content that keeps me engaged.

And I pretty quickly caught on in mythic +10, and in some rated matches in solo shuffles, the other players, on my team, angrily yelling at me and others.

Last night we had multiple peoples screaming at each other, because a priest was hiding behind a rock healing the alliance team on Seething Shore Blitz.

And so my team was hopelessly fighting the DPS and not killing the healer. But yet and other matches, people have yelled at me for targeting the healer and not taking out the DPS.

I have enough stress in my life as a medic. I don’t play Warcraft to be a rank 1 or whatever.

But I understand the original poster’s observation. Silence means good because actual responses will be negative. Occasionally we start off with everyone being chill and saying hi…but it’s not the norm

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


That’s usually my experience. I’ve seen others that were being targeted for being kicked, but I’ve stopped just “auto” agreeing.

I only do normal or heroic dungeons - and really there is no reason to kick anyone in those. You have the usual suspects sometimes: a dps running ahead and pulling everything cuz he/she feels like being a twit that day or a tank ignoring the rest of the group and basically trying to solo it, but that’s all.

In normal and heroic it just seems stupid to get mad at anyone - a lot of players are just learning in those. My main beef is that even if no one says “hi” that day at least talk long enough to decide interrupt turns. I hate wasting an interrupt! lol

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I’m mean because I have a thorn in my hoof and no vulpera to pull it out.


There is too hard a lean on competitive aspect of this game. Competitive players without the humbleness of getting punched in the face or any sort of accountability breeds this type of community.

There’s many people who can’t see that there’s a spectrum of differences in players because it’s “easy” for them or they always do this in their other group.

So when you have a game that is based on do A task B amount of times to get C, over and over you cut corners to optimize your time doing nothing at all.

Every Tuesday a large portion want to get their raid done, every week you’re probably chasing the dragon to get your vault filled to maximize your rewards, the difficulty, etc.

There’s no pause moments to actually let a community become a thing, WoW brought this community in with flying colors when it first came out, I called it out that it wasn’t as deep as the other MMO’s of the time and it’s not, so you’re going to get the lobby game players. The rush to max level players, rush rush rush. With it comes the toxic attitudes.


This happened during the holiday dungeon several times.

A kick was initiated within 10 seconds for another player. I’ve stopped just auto kicking unless I witness disruptive behavior or blatantly vulgar etc comments.

It’s just a game to me. I don’t expect to win every single time…especially in PvP lately. 25% of the time we win, but people will be cursing others in the last 5 minutes

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


yup, so weird that some just get their knickers in a twist about it - and for many of us it may be our first time. tbf when I say that at the beginning most people are very understanding and helpful… mostly

:rofl: You’re on a roll this morning!



Everyone isn’t mean. The few players you meet in a pug isn’t everyone. Generalizations are bad and should be avoided. Misusing the overused term toxic is also bad and should be avoided.

Not wanting to play with someone or not wanting to carry someone doesn’t make a person mean or “toxic”. Not saying hi doesn’t make someone mean or “toxic”. If you want a conversation join a guild or community, then join their discord. Don’t expect strangers in a pug to have any interest in conversing with you. The same goes for wanting to help someone with low dps.

Nah, you should try the forums sometimes. The amount of toxic positive people on here is staggering compared to the toxic negative people. (And yes, Toxic positivity exists, and it’s worse)

100% agree. The game for me, is a way to get out of the real world. I have to give my 110% in so many other facets of my life. I’m totes happy just giving 80% and doing hard enough content to keep me challenged, but not be drowning in competitive angst. I just want to have fun. I don’t wanna be stressing over my BiS items to the point I’m chain farming dungeons 57 times each season in hopes it drops for me; or drops at all & someone else doesn’t get/need it. I don’t wanna be absolutely enraged that someone’s dog booped their mouse and accidentally popped lust at a pointless time in high keys. I want to laugh at those things, not be in tizzy/strung out about what it’s done to my parses and our timing.

The peripheral anxiety that higher levels can bring is exciting IF you’re grouped with the right friends. But, like you, I really don’t want or need that adrenaline rush for mere pixel rewards. I got enough real world achieves I need to push. My heart & mind need to spend the intense focus and dedication elsewhere.

Be good to yourself. We human balls of walking catastrophe need you. :heart: Cuss at the stoopid traffic boss, not other gamers.