Why is everyone here obsessed with elves?

I have a Tauren Druid… I just haven’t been able to get into The Horde overall.


My main is belf bc i enjoyed the belf part of wc3 frozen throne and thought their story was cool. I would be orc otherwise

Because I don’t want be ugly orc or a basic human. And I like nature.

There’s only one thing that separates humans from elves: the ears.

So you’re a basic human with pointy ears.

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High Elves are already playable.


I’m moderately elf agnostic. I don’t actually have many elves compared to dwarves, say, or trolls.

But I care deeply about customizations and probably more than I should about the lore.

The elf threads are always an entertaining way to get actual discussion ginned up about customization. And I have the scandalous ulterior motive that I have at least one 50 of every race, so no matter what gets added, it benefits me. So I absolutely want to talk about customizations for our elves… And surely Blizzard will add some more looks for everyone along the way and maybe a nice dollop of lore to go on top.

Or I’ll get to kvetch constantly about it, and that’s fun too.

I have plenty of high stakes issues in real life. Forums are fun.

Yeah but I like humans too. Basic or not. I connect with humans because I am one but I also want be different so elf. Also Elf rarely age so I can play the same look without in 30 years have change my char hair to white or bald.

If I could I’ll play human warrior in every game I would but I like the Legolas feel of elf archer more too.
Again. Orc ugly. Troll ugly. Goat people ugly.

I don’t get it.

Not sure why you care what other people like that doesn’t affect you…

I’ve gone from not caring about Elves to having many an issue with them. Not the race itself, but the fandom with them. I try to maintain my neutrality but I can very easily get worked up around certain sects of the Elf community.


Sexual fantasies! :relaxed:

Probably a holdover from Classic where elves were the only races that didn’t look like an image of a person painted over a burlap sack full of ham.

this is true in my case. i’m 63, arthritis ridden, have an old lady hump forming in my back :sob: missing one breast and overweight. i’m also kinda short. my elf is the only chance i will ever have of being one of the beautiful people, even if only some colorful textures coded on a digital skeleton. :stuck_out_tongue:

/slides a few pictures across the table


Elfs really are the most beautiful.

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Nailed it.

blood elves are master race all other races on azeroth are inferiors and are our pets or are livestock.

because a lot of us are Tolkien fans and used to play dungeon and dragons

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Male belves have very few customization options. No earrings. No tattoos. No face paint.

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They’re good looking. Most people are not. They like to pretend they are or think of them as their pretty companion they’ll never have.

Kinda like you’ll see obese women with tinker bell stickers and fluffy steering wheel covers on their little hatchback. It lets them pretend to be cute and petite.