There are twenty four playable races in WoW and the threads that people frequent the most are to beg for more elf customizations, better elf racials, elf freakin’ everything. And if those people aren’t losing their minds over some imaginary elf neglect, they’re begging for edge. Necromancers, dark rangers…
My perception of general discussion is a vocal minority of skinny larpers who wear black eye shadow and Raven from Teen Titan’s t-shirts.
Elves are just a cool concept. They are canonically a race of hotties, they’re naturally good at magic, they live a long time, they have cool glowing eyes.
Yep frantic elf players are unsufferable. They remind me of that South Park episode where homeless invades the town. You give the homeless change but it just disappears and they ask for more. Instead of zombie-like people walking around saying “chaaaaange?” it’s zombie-like people on the forums saying “paladins?”
Having said that, I get why Blizzard caters to them all the time. They are the ones paying the bills. If they had to rely on people like me that mostly play tauren, they would starve to death.
In all fairness, I’m actually obsessed with Dragons. Elves are actually decently far down on my priority list of playable races. It’s just that WoW didn’t have any of the others. Now that I’m getting Dracthyr, all my Elves are gonna be collecting dust come Dragonflight.
For the record, my player race priority is draconic race, reptilian or avian race, fae or satyr race, and then it finally gets to Elves.
cause aside from all the interesting races, folks are obsessed with playing as legolas (or a fem-legolas). that’s pretty-much it. i mean, most media shows elves as the same as humans, but better.
they live in pretty locations, with beautiful architecture and always perfect weather. they can shoot an arrow through 15 orcs eyes, and that’d be considered a bad-shot for them. they live (pretty-much) forever, are incredibly skilled with magic, are very artsy-fartsy, with their entire society being about music, culture, sophistication, and everything they make is considered a masterpiece.
though for all this artistry… you never see them getting the resources required for all the crap they do… closest i’ve seen/heard is how they get furniture. they grow trees in the shape of chairs, beds, etc. makes me wonder how they get things like metal and stone… if they did’nt trade with the dwarves, they’d be screwed.
i used to love elves back when i was a kid, wanted to play as a half-elf in dnd (never got the opportunity, did’nt have friends interested in it), but having grown-up… i don’t really care for’em anymore. i preffer dwarves, gnomes, goblins, etc. y’know, the actually interesting races.
tl:dr, folks who talk about elves on here, want to be legolas/lady-legolas, and be ‘’’’’‘perfect’’’’’’.
Human-looking elves (= Blood Elves) are a classic Tolkien-concept and people want to play beautiful looking races
Blood Elves are the most played race on the Horde, immensely contributing to the faction’s popularity. So no, they are no a vocal minority at all and this is reflected upon reading through the internet
The regular elves are present on both sides and both player bases have a rightful claim to have their desired version to be playable
Blizzard allowed the Alliance to play a compromise race in Legion which was the reason for a half-decade long player bashing contest with each other, still going strong
Blizzard reluctantly gave the Alliance a lowered version of their compromise race but this is not enough due two factors: The other side provokes them with no end and it is Blizzard’s fault in the first place not giving the Alliance their requested race while we got everything we wanted (Mag’har Orcs, Nightborne, Zandalari Trolls, Vulpera)
It doesn’t help that the Alliance got undesirable races which fit lore-wise but does not reflect the diversity the Horde got.
Blizzard makes bad decisions that’s pretty much why.
At this point, since they’re opening up all classes to all races, I expect to see the threads about “high elves” for the alliance to die down once we get Paladin Void Elves.