Why is everyone here obsessed with elves?

Nothing dirty… this time :rofl: Usually my mind does go to the gutter immediately.

I was wondering if it was some weird drink hipsters came up with. My coworkers drink the usual energy drinks like Red Bulls and Rockstar.

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Elves mirror what people fancy they wish they could be IRL.

Such as: beautiful, slender, looks good in most any clothing, good at virtually anything they do, immortal or very long lifed, and innately magical.

Of course people are drawn to that over goats with hooves and horns


Basically what I’m reading is…

Another quality person from HoA.

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Because we all love hippies, and trees :nerd_face:

Idk, everyone has their own thing and what they want to play as.
For my my obsession is more with Undead,Orcs and Mag’har Orcs.

Goats whose males look terrible in most stuff… same can be said of just about any non-human/Thalassian race currently (especially male racial models).

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And there’s a hippie with trees visiting my home for a few days. Gunna be fun week.

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Elves have been cool ever since Tolkien wrote about them. They’ve been popular in DnD since the beginning, and continue to be despite them adding more and more playable races over the years.

In short: Elves will always be a favorite in games. Get over it.

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I think the obsession with Elves is due to Tolkien and how he portrayed them. He invented modern Elves and he was obsessed with them himself.
When you creare a species who is similar to Humans but literaly perfect (immortal, immune to disease, extremely beautiful, extremely agile, extremely good at everything, with long gorgeous hair, etc etc etc) we mere Humans can react in two ways.
Either we despise them as snotty and unsufferable (my stance), or we adore them like demigods. See the cult of Legolas.
True, WoW Elves are far less perfect, but Elves they are. And half of players want to be Elves, no matter what.

I would

Teen titan is amazing

Starfire is pretty hot.

If the Alliance got high elves period then most of these discussions would be over.

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Blizz really dropped the ball on that one, high elves (and their blood elf cousins) are an alliance race.

Dwarves are hotter

Female Elves dance moves is the best out there. Alizee’s dance and Britney Spears’ Toxic dance with matching Sexy Elves. Who doesnt want them?

They shouldn’t play as elves then since elves are almost always portrayed as being arrogant and narcissistic…which ironically is what humans are in real life.

Honestly? Because I like how they look the best. The hairstyles, the faces, the markings on Nelfs, look 100% better than a basic human or wannabe shrek.

I like Arcane Torrent and play Horde. I actually wish I could main Dwarf, but sadly I cannot. I have been leveling a load of dwarf alts lately and my fresh Dwarf Priest I made last week is almost at 2200+ IO and it’s been a good time. I’ll probably be Dark Iron Dwarf on as many toons as possible if/when the faction divide ends.

This is a certified redditor hipster moment.

Person like thing? I must dislike thing.


These “helfers” are 1/8 of /wow reddit, MMO-champion, 4ch, several regional-official EU wow message boards and a few Chinese forums I’m aware of.

It’s not just a “few”, it’s “a lot” which has been gauged by the international community manager team. This is why they gave in, because the US forums alone aren’t the only one who want true High Elves for the Alliance-players. The Void Elves are a good idea but you cannot offer them to the players as a compromise race. We all can see now why.

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