Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

Blizzard, quite obviously. Offer incentives to balance servers, offer more free transfers. Honestly the idea of servers, and factions is pretty dated, but it is classic after all

So you never cared about faction and server communities to begin with, much less them being balanced?

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Even other larger servers aren’t immune. I think Pagle had a few high-profile guilds move to Benediction, so if that starts a trend, even other large 99% servers might have future issues. It looks pretty stable now though.

More work, but not more pay.
Not a good business decision.

Is less paid transfers.
Not a good business decision.

And believe me, I get you. I spent about a year begging them to fix this mess but that ship has definitely sailed at this point. It took them six months to react to Earthfury dying and give the remaining people a free transfer out. I would have unsubbed if I waited for them to save me.

Yes, I have seen those concerned Pagle threads, which blows my mind.
Even the largest pve realm is at risk? Where does it stop?

Sure if you completely ignore what I said and made up your own sentence

There is still a really healthy population of players, but you never know. I have had a few old guildmates flip to Benediction.

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People hated the idea of faction locking servers, but I think faction-specific queues forcing a ratio of online characters that gets closer to 50/50 as the server pop grows would’ve been a very powerful tool to encourage faction balance.

called hypocrisy

The people who hate the idea of faction locking hate faction specific queues, there’s a lot of people who in fact those massively faction imbalanced servers.

There was, but requiring considerably more effort.

apples and oranjes here and ofcourse the RDF crowd will use it

This change helps the low pop/one faction servers. Do you know what would also help those servers? RDF.


or maybe the merger of those servers… AUG 9th!!! god wrath pls launch so these spammers will just play the game

It’ll be no different than it was back when wrath was live. Once they opened up faction transfers my faction only one it once or twice a week, usually at 3 am on Sunday nights.

They have actively avoided having balanced servers for over a decade. There must not be money in that or else they would have fixed it a long time ago.

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You suggest merging the biggest Alliance server and the biggest Horde server?

We should play on a server with 60,000+ players?

No they are merging the smaller servers. U know what I meant. The salt on these forums could create many oceans

Wintergrasp cant exist in its originally intended form.

Puting groups together manually can/has.

Having LFD doesn’t prevent you from forming groups manually if you want to. Both types of players can exist side by side.


It does prevent you and you know it, and they know it. thats why they arent implementing it. Keep screaming the mantra but everyone knows its true, youre just being obtuse.

Dang, I didn’t realize the invite button gets removed when LFD is in the game. That’s horrific.