Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

Lol wtf even is your comment. What absolute 5head logic

Works for me, screw everyone else for checks notes something out of their control


Ahh, precisely what we needed. Another LFD thread!

Doing dungeons without without RDF = possible

Wintergrasp without cross realm with the state of majority realms sitting at a single faction balance = not possible.

Just a modern solution to a modern day problem.

The most bizarre thing about anti-LFD posts is the fact megaservers effectively already have the thing LFD brought: An oversaturation of so many players that everyone essentially has implicit anonymity. The playerbase has shown they want the ability to easily form and join groups, otherwise we wouldn’t have realms with 10x the population of actual vanilla servers.


If the high pop servers stayed high pop, blizz had no choice but to keep layers in. The amount of complaining about queue times, spawns, etc would be huge.

They needed to have the same plan of removing the layers that they did in Classic. They had them at the start and had a goal of removing them. The crazy transfer stuff which would have led to massive queues only started when people figured out the layers were not getting removed and queues were not coming back.

By not removing the layers a month or so after launch we have what we have today, which to me is not positive, many server communties were destroyed by it, which to me is a huge deal, and I find the large mega servers to have the exact same feeling as Retail.

Anyway it’s over now and we have what we have but yes I can mention it because that article failed to. I could link all the posts where Blizzard talked about how they didn’t want layers to be a permanent part of Classic too because that takes the Classic experience out of the game but there’s probably no point.


They needed to do a lot more than just remove layers if they wanted smaller stable servers. They would have needed to aggressively manage character creation from day one. Server and faction locking character creation as it got to high(including transfers), merging realms as the population inevitably shrunk to maintain relatively even servers etc…

But that boat long ago sailed and there’s no real going back now.


Agreed, they could have done a lot more… the change to the servers over the last 1.5 years has been drastic. :frowning:

Also agreed that there’s no going back, and regarding that article I wouldn’t expect any company to write an article in a way that would make them look bad or show negativity to what they are doing, but if there is any discussion about this stuff that may as well happen now.


imagine being a skilled developer and choosing to work for blizzard in 2022. It isn’t happening. They literally only have rejects working there. Nobody with a future in cs would sac their career and risk being a part of a lawsuit for an uncompetitive wage in a high col area just to work for Blizzard.

I dunnnno man, Brian confirmed it will be cross-realm unless something radically changed, which is doubtful.
The way they explained the buff and queue system made me think cross-realm from the getgo. Glad you used your brainpower and logic here.


I know. When Sulfuras alliance died someone leftover posted on the forum asking for basic gems to be put on neutral AH from horde side.
I did it for him, but I can’t imagine he’s still going at it like that months later.
I sure hope not anyway.

No. We’re getting instance WG at release.

Out of their control…out of their control?
I mean, it was the players that made the servers as we now have them.

“Oh I just have to go to Bene, it’s my only choice.”
Wrong. There is always a choice.
But nobody wanted to think for themselves, or stand their ground, or accept some risk.

The servers we have now are the result of FOMO panicked sheep more than anything else.
Sure, blues should have stopped them before it happened in the first place, but…
If they stood in the way of player choice, that would have been a massive riot.
The players at the front of the megaserver initiative were absolutely in control.
Everyone else had no problem following them.

So yes, I am annoyed they went back on their word to use tenacity and other means to promote faction balance, and instead took the easy way out of just using cross realm to patch the holes.
Now you can still play wintergrasp from your 99% majority server, and surely get to participate!
What’s that? You drove the opposite faction off your server? No problem! Room for everyone, CRZ will fix it!
Afraid of tenacity? Don’t worry, CRZ will fix it!

Because, sitting here on my 50/50 pvp server, I was quite looking forward to the in-house rivalries that Wintergrasp was SUPPOSED to provide. Want to talk about out of their control? How about that. If I end up queued into Bene/Faerlina people for absolutely no good reason.
Because my server? It could have run its own WG just fine.


Yeah blizz definitely pooped the bed from the begining with trying to enforce healthy realm population balance. It’s an issue many of us (myself included) posted about before vanilla classic launched. I suppose I was a bit surprised at just how quickly the classic realms devolved, however. They basically did in just 2 years what took the retail ones 8 years to do, faction balance wise (though that is speaking strictly from personal experience on the realms I played on in both vanilla and retail and may not be accurate for all the realms)

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Dude, so if I made a character on a server day one, and the balance changed, that is in my control?

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Peak of vanilla Benediction was 4300 alliance, 3600 horde.

Congratulations, that could excuse 4,000 of 30,000 there now.
But we both know, most of the vanilla OGs quit.

I’m not even going to waste my time talking to you tbh, have a nice day though

Do you say this to everyone that bests you in debate?

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Bests me? alright buddy

You think I am that far off the mark?

Skeram, Sulfuras, Kirtonos, Earthfury.
I have struggled through enough dying servers to know what it’s all about.
All it takes is a few important guilds to make that first choice, and the rest will follow in time. Just a matter of them reaching their own breaking points as the server gets smaller and smaller.

And each time, I said goodbye to a guild because I refused to sheepily go with them to the 99% server.
This is not the game I want at all. There has to be another choice.

And guess what, there was.
Conveniently, there is yet one pvp server with people that actually care about balance.

Blues say it themselves all the time, the players trend towards imbalances all on their own.
So again. Who is in control of that?