Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

Because Blizzard has big galaxy brain moments like this.
Like bruh.

Everyone knows that it is fine to use cross realm tech and queueing technology to make PvP experiences better, but PvE ones need you to jump through added hoops because of perceived community. :roll_eyes:


It’s totally going to be cross realm. The offset example explaining tenacity is because there aren’t an equal number of pvpers out there per faction.

From my understanding it’s an epic Bg that only allows everyone to que every 3 hours all at the same time and as long as one member of your faction wins a fight your whole faction gets access to the raid and vendors until the next battle. A nice win-win for both factions getting access to VOA.

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if you can’t see all the reasons WHY blizzard needed to adjust WG for some servers there is no reasoning with you.

Because community! That’s why. How else are people playing on backwater empty servers going to meet people in order to convince them to pay for a transfer to a megarealm?

Yes, thank you lol.

I’m specifically asking frostfire to get his Brain in action.

There are factions on some servers you can’t do 5 man’s. So your point is stupid. Atleast wintergrasp gives tenacity buff.

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That right there is quality player interaction that Blizzard wants to see more of!

I did not read it as saying it was cross realm… I am thinking it will be server-based… I am ok with that. If cross realm, I might be out the door…

Still not sure if they are going to make it cross realm. Still hoping they merge servers for more balanced pops and leave WG same server only as it SHOULD be!

Are we sure that WG is gonna be cross-realm ?

Then, what’s the point of their 5v40 example (with tenacity) and the point of the victory buff ? If it’s crossrealm and only 1 player need to win then there is 100% chance that both factions will get the buff.


I feel like frosstfire is getting trolled hard here. Either that or A LOT of people are lacking reading comprehension. WG is not cross-realm. They didn’t mention that anywhere in their post. To combat the massive scale of the servers they’re putting everyone who queues up (on their server) into their own instanced version. There can still only be one winning faction per server which get the zone buff and allow access to farm elementals and do the raid.

We see the reaon.

If pvp is having issues for some servers…pve will too.

there is not enough allaince in faerlina to support a basic a few 40 on 40 setups viable,

what are the chance that can support many dungeon crews. dungeon crews across a soon 3 expac game. Not all will be in wrath. some will be tbcc or classic 60.

answer is…not very good chances

So why would they allow 40v 5 when they know the issues with this is it’s easy to hard cc 5 people. They should just keep it even teams if they are going to make it instances and queue based.

God forbid they give those leveling up for the first time or leveling alts, a fun easy way to experience dungeons while questing in the open world

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I logged into a horde side dead server on an old toon i had. Literally nothing was on the AH, no one was in Org. They are going to have to make it cross realm. Some servers have literally ZERO people playing on a faction.


Cross realm BGs was overwhelmingly part of WoW’s existence. Only old farts like me prefer single realm BGs for precisely that reason - assuming the PvP scene could stay healthy.

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Here’s my question though - if Blizzard had stuck with their strategy of only having layers at the release like they did in Classic (because so many people try the game out and then quit) and then removing them, and if by doing that we still had 30 healthy servers as we had at the end of Classic just 1.5 years ago, would Wintergrasp be a battleground? I think we could have had the “real thing” BUT that would have required planning and caring.

Why are servers like this now? Well #1 reason is that Blizzard allowed the servers to become as they are by no longer caring about layering being part of the game perminantely (maybe because the microtransaction money was nice, maybe because they didn’t care about people actually getting a Classic experience where the servers didn’t have 30k raiders which dilutes the community and wrecks the “Classic feel”/makes the game more like Retail).

Like I posted earlier I called it, back in Dec 2021 at least, but it’s still a valid conversation instead of just taking Blizzard at their word from that article where they completely ignored how much they cared about not having layers long-term in Classic.

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It’ll work on my server, not my fault you all play on one sided servers.