Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

How do you determine a winner then if there are multiple WGs happening where people can be winning simultaneously on both factions?

There would be no point at all for this thing existing. Everyone will have the buff permanently.

Do you even think before you type things?

Wait, what?

If WG is going to be an epic BG, that means there will be multiple instances running at once, which means that horde and alliance players will be winning it multiple times throughout the day. By your logic, control of WG will be changing frequently… we’re talking every couple of minutes. Possibly even seconds, early on when there are more queues for it.

What’s more likely is they could just put control of WG on a rotational timer.

It is on a timer. It happens every 3 hours on each server individually…

Simple, there will be Alliance and Horde VoA layers on each server. No one is getting locked out of a raid in the year 2022.

So are spirit towers, with different timers on each layer. Horde can control one layer, and Alliance another. This literally happens on my server.

Blizz is a meme company with no principles. Brian is a failure at designing classic wow. They should all get canned.


A Wintgergrasp like NPC that signed players up for random PvE dungeons would do away with a TON of these issues that paying customers have…

Gosh, people don’t talk in PvP or make friends ever, so it’s always ok to mess with PvP. PvE is the only place people interact and make friends!

It’s boils down to a money grab at this point.

That lock is still there. its not based on immediate win/loss. Its an hour of access even you came out of a loss. someone had to win if not you for the hour.

You have to swing by and check if its open or not.

and you hope for a good hour timer left. Get the hour or close I can on mog/mount runs make that faction power hour. run. log, next faction char up. l,og again…new char again…

You are clueless stop responding to me. You have no idea what you are talking about as evidenced by your previous comments.

I’ll preface this by saying I’m pro rdf.

The reason wg is changed, is because wg would effectively not exist if it wasn’t changed, and it’s a fairly iconic, expansion feature.

You can have all the ideal you want about game development, but in the end you will still need people to play it, and wg was going to cause some unique problems given server populations (both faction balance and just the overall number of players on the realms absolutely dwarfing og wrath realms) , and layering.

It’s a simple, practical survival strategy. You can expect more such changes over time, as the classic population dies off (assuming we even keep going after wrath to begin with)

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Maybe I’m missing the point of what you’re saying, man enough to admit it. So clarify what you meant, and I’ll expound upon what I was trying to say.

Thought the same

more opinions you made up I see.

Original wsp literally wouldn’t work.

Did you even read the post / have any clue what’s going on?

instanced sill be silly.

So okay, the part that is unclear to me… is that servers are 99.9% one faction. So 40,000 horde will queue, and only 5-10 alliance.

So that means only .1% of horde on that server will get to play it? Because there won’t be enough alliance to make multiple instances.

The last paragraph of the statement says this will allow more people to play.

Ummm that’s absolutely not the case if this isn’t cross realm. You will be lucky to ever see a winterspring if you are the majority faction. I guess queue and hope you’re lucky? Idk.

If anyone on your faction competes and wins the whole faction gets the buff. I had this same question, I wonder if their statement is in reference to VOA?

They said it would be an instanced BG like AV. AV is cross server.