Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

It was never cross realm in Wrath and won’t be on classic Wrath.

They took 20 paragraphs to explain they just can’t make it open world and had to make it an instance instead.

They also just tweaked the minimum players required to start it.

Well that’s no longer important to blizzard, see title of thread.


Features being the same between OG wrath and wrath classic sailed a long time ago bud.

I explained why cross-realm can’t work. If you want to be stubborn and delusional go ahead.

I thought they said the buff that is being shared with the whole faction is tied to VOA?

It is tied…

Except it can, it’s worked for years.

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If it was cross-realm it would be MORE RESTRICTIVE not less. They made a point of saying it is less restrictive.

If it is cross-realm you can only have 1 WG occurring for all servers the players are from in that WG.

So it locks like several servers to a single WG instance. Because if you had multiple WG instances occuring for servers how can you possibly determine a winning faction if ally wins in one of them and horde wins in another?

It can’t be cross-server and be less restrictive.

You can have many more WGs occurring if they are server specific, 1 per server every 3 hours.

Talking about others lacking logic and then not reading:

As of patch 3.2 in the original release of Wrath of the Lich King, the battle was capped to a certain number of participants, and many servers in WoW Classic have populations much higher than the average realm in the original Wrath of the Lich King, which means it could be difficult to be selected for the battle if you wanted to participate. Conversely, if you are on a smaller realm, you may have issues spinning up a meaningful battle at all. With the Battle for Wintergrasp being an epic battleground in Wrath Classic, it enables anyone who wants to participate to do so and consistently have the battle experience they want out of it.

They want more people to be able to participate, they arn’t going to stick 2,000 players vs 5 on these mega servers.

Determining a winner is irrelevant since they said if ANYONE, on your faction wins, you all get the buff.

Since its now a battleground that can conceivably launch multiple battles on a single server (Assuming it is server bound) on big servers where faction is semi balanced, its not far fetched to assume that both sides could win one of the multiple instanced battles.

As far as this goes: It works just fine on retail, why would it not possible work here on classic?

This is just false. You can have multiple going even with cross realm. Nothing about cross realm limits it to 1 battle.


You can’t read. They never said it is cross-realm. They said they tweaked the amount of players needed to start a WG.

Read my reply above why it is impossible to be cross-server again slowly.

You can log onto Retail and queue for a cross server Wintergrasp right now. It is an instanced BG, just like it will be in WotLK Classic.

It probably doesn’t work anything like it does in Wrath but you are too bad to realize it.

Retail proves that its not impossible to be cross-server and work just fine.

Obvious troll is obvious, moving on.

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Because it probably doesn’t work the same way at all.

It will not be cross-realm on Classic.

Yes no duh, see topic of thread, blizzard doesn’t care.

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I bet in retail it doesn’t lock you out of VOA if you lose…

Comparing apples to oranges because you are all bad at logic.

It does not, and it won’t in Wrath classic either, enjoy.


It does lock you out in Wrath Classic. It locks out YOUR ENTIRE FACTION.

Hey Blizz, does the raid leader of the Wintergrasp get to pick and choose who is in the raid. No? Of course not? Yeah it doesdn’t make any sense for dungeons either. Return LFD to Wrath.


As long as 1 person on your faction wins a WG, everyone on your faction will have access to VoA. No one is getting locked out of the raid.