Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

What I found funny was they were upset to have to change WG but it’s okay to ruin RDF lol.


The epic WG battles were along the same lines as the epic SS/TM fights. They happened but it widely varied by server because they require relatively balanced factions are equally interested in them. Before making WG cross realm they already had to add during wrath the queue to get in and when that didn’t manage to keep matches even the massive buff for the low pop side.

Where has that been specified one way or the other?

I see no actual mention of it, just that it’s an instanced bg…

I think we actually agree here. A lot of people seem to only care about server populations when it’s in relation to features they want – like LFD.

It is sad that people have taken a topic about WINTERGRASP, and have now made it about LFD.

Oh no, we actually agree for once. Oh well.


I view it as a necessary evil. I certainly would rather it be server specific, but that just isn’t feasible with single faction mega servers. Most players would never get to do Wintergrasp period if it functioned the way it did in OG WotLK. Server populations are just too large.

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It can’t be cross realm it would make no sense. It won’t be. Which is why they never say it is.

It is described just as an instanced battleground.

And all of those are currently…cross realm.


I swear you just make stuff up, and try to sound like it’s factual or certain lol


I am certain it won’t be cross realm because it makes no sense.

To bad this one won’t be.

It’s the only thing that makes sense, some realms literally have like 0.1% of one faction


No it doesn’t. Everything they said points to server only for WG.

You can’t cross-realm because how do you determine winner? So every server with the winning faction gets the winner buff?

That is not going to happen…

It only happens 1 time every 3 hours on each server individually.

Server only WG literally can not function.


The only reason they added Tenacity is because it isn’t cross realm. If it was cross-realm you wouldn’t need tenacity.

You guys suck at basic logic.

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Tenacity does nothing when there are literally 0 people on that faction.


People will make alts to meet the minimum of 5 if they have to. Not hard to do. It is 100% not cross-realm.

Dude you are beyond delusional lmao


It is not cross-realm. You are delusional if you think it is since they never mentioned it once.


Even with cross realm tenacity would be needed. Why do you think Horde have had BG queues for the past 3 years? Because there aren’t enough Alliance queuing. Unless Blizzard makes Wintergrasp a same faction battle, tenacity will be needed.

Look, let me explain why you are wrong in detail so you will be quiet.

It says, if anyone on your faction wins wintergrasp everyone on your faction gets the buff.

THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE if it is cross-realm. It would give the buff to all horde or all ally. This would break if more than 1 wintegrasp BG was happening. It would be impossible to determine the winner.

Therefore it has to be server restricted.

It is basic logic.

Also WG was server specific in Wrath. They just removed it from the open world and instanced it on the server but not cross-server. It is like a raid.

It’s been cross realm for a long time.

VOA won’t be tied to it.