Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

How exactly does it make the game less fun? Do you want to not be able to do WG? Do you want to not be able to bg unless you sit in a 1-2 hour queue?

Id rather play the game than sit there and wait for someone from my server to decide they want to


Because it takes a lot more people to play Wintergrasp as it was intended than it does to run a 5 man dungeon.

Do you think that might be a pretty impactful difference?


Opinion, not fact.

My opinion, LFR ruined it, not LFD. Dungeons are not end-game content, where, you know, most of the challenge and large parts of the story are driven. Raids are. LFR did more to change WoW than LFD, and quite honestly is a lazy argument for not having LFD.


I mean I knew what they were going to do with Wintergrasp and called it, but without the server rivalries and stuff, It will be about 10% of what it was. Just another boring battleground not worth bothering with. VoA will be open all the time too with the buff for all. Boring.

Not that I’m planning to play WotLK much because I expect a 2/10 game BUT I just find it weird that the OP is all for PVP changes that reduce the quality after being super against HvH etc.

Everything that should matter (for some people) for the game seems to be used as a RDF talking point on here by people who just cheerlead each other. As if nothing else matters.

Edit, I called it here in December '21. When people actually talked about different things on the forums and not just GDKPs and RDF all the time:
How will wintergrasp work in wotlk classic - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
"They’ll have to do this or instance it/turn it into a battleground which doesn’t really work well when you consider what it is.

It also won’t feel anything like WotLK Classic but the majority who are playing now don’t want an authentic “Classic” experience anyway, they just want Retail with less of a power grind, so they probably don’t care."


This would literally not work, terrible comment

You can do end game content without doing 5-mans OR WG, but it’s sure nice to be able to do what you want to get there. But if I can’t have LFD because checks notes whatever bs lazy argument is being thrown around today, maybe you shouldn’t have it easier to do your pvp contentt either.


Yea you need a lot for bgs… like a raid size almost…


It blows my mind that just because it’s PVP, a system that is essentially an early LFR is going to be implemented into Wrath, but the same arguments that are used against RDF/LFD are used to justify it?



Lol imagine if you could only queue as a premade, and there was no automated LFG for pvp


Not really taking sides or defending anything. But PVP has Cross realm forever, I said this would happen WAY back in classic but did anything care? NAY


I didn’t like how their article talked about layering being the reason for this when they themselves decided to allow all that layering in TBCC, which IMO really wrecked Classic because this created the mega servers. It severely harmed my enjoyment of the game and I have so many like-minded friends who quit the game over it feeling nothing like Classic due to the low-quality mega servers… and yes it was the cause of Wintergrasp being like this but no they won’t admit it.


It’s not cross realm

I am really disappointed this was the band-aid solution instead of something that would lead to server balance.

This was the interview in May.

Brian Birmingham : When Wintergrasp originally launched it was one of the things that inadvertently drove the faction imbalance on various realms. With faction change available, and the Vault of Archavon locked behind winning Wintergrasp, if your faction couldn’t win, it was probably a better idea to give up and switch factions. While we don’t plan to allow faction change, you could still just transfer to a realm where your faction is dominant, and we don’t want to encourage further faction imbalances. Our current thought is that maybe there will be a back door of sorts to let you into the Vault of Archavon if you don’t currently control Wintergrasp, but that entry will cost something so that you’re still incentivized to compete.

On the other hand, as you identified, there’s just the matter of getting a reasonable match going at all on a realm where one side is heavily dominant. I think you’re onto something with the 100 stacks of Tenacity idea. If the idea of playing as an overpowered underdog appeals to you, maybe it appeals to others! Maybe it’s the thing that would incentivize people to play on the weaker faction? Faction balance has been consistently challenging to address in the history of World of Warcraft, but the imbalance is a result of players playing where they want to, and they like to play where they have an advantage, so maybe stacking Tenacity to the heavens is the answer.

We’re still considering options here as well, but high-stacks of Tenacity and a back door into Vault of Archavon are our current top-contenders for how to handle Wintergrasp. We’re interested to hear what people think of those ideas.

Cross realm means realms can continue to be skewed with no consequences.

The Tenacity x100 would have been way more fun.


It’s not cross realm…

because one is for 5 mans and the other is for a 500 man bg

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It’s not actually cross realm.

I find it sad that people are just using it as a talking point for what they want. Especially when the people are on Grobbulus.

Like we can have our opinions on RDF etc but sometimes it’s ok for that not to be the only thing discussed.

There was someone on the other thread who said they are unsubbed over the change, and they have great memories of the original Wintergrasp. I understand if they were looking forward to it. :frowning:

I expected this to be a bigger topic but a lot of the people who did care seem to have quit the forums or maybe even the game.

How does anything you’ve said here address my post?

Or, more likely, many people simply see this as a good change and have nothing to really say on the matter.

Right because a lot of the current posters are extremely selfish and just like spinning whatever topic for themselves. A lot of the quality people have left.

I’m not replying to you again in this thread.