Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

In what server is this the current reality? On any actually-populated server, you’re just sitting clicking the “LFM” tool and browsing the in-game listing tool until someone comes along. There’s nothing especially social about it.

You’re clearly either on some low pop server or just romanticizing what you think the experience is/should be. In reality, the “social experience” isn’t there until at least the group’s running the dungeon.


Personally I’m not able to invest the time I used to be able to just to find a group for a single dungeon, would be great if I could, but sadly I’m not in my late teens anymore. I enjoy playing classic and would love to get some of the dungeon quests out of my log but can’t due to it taking so long just to form a group for whatever dungeon.

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I dunno… I actually chat with peeps in my partially formed party even if it’s suggesting where to pick up quests, ask someone to come to the summoning stone so we’re ready to go when the group fills, etc.

I guess if you’re anti-social, you ignore your party until it fills and probably wait for others to summon your lazy bones as a minimal effort party member.

I just came back about two months ago now after being gone since the start of TbC. During that time I leveled my boosted mage, my hunter that was 63 and my warlock from 60. All of them played out exactly the same in terms of dungeons.

See a group I might want to get into, whisper leader. Join group and say Hi and thats it. That’s the social experience were getting. Sure there was some small talk now and again, but that happens in lfd.

How about max level? Saw someone have a mental breakdown over shard last week. ran a kara where no one said a word and most were not in discord. Impossible to find t5 content and even though im full t4 and badge epics I need more gear to get into a ZA, told to me by people gear checking, was not a bear run.

How much of your life story do you get through in each dungeon? Like whats the opening?


Takes two to tango. I’ll chat if people are chatting, but most groups have minimal interaction.

Again, this all just sounds like massive “I want people to play as I do even if their play style doesn’t affect me” energy.


Players gravitate to the easiest method to do things even if it makes things less enjoyable. It’s why guilds have become much less important in retail.

So, to say the original LFD would have no impact on those that prefer not to have it in the game isn’t being honest.

It’s like pro-flyers telling anti-flyers “just don’t fly lol”. There is more to it than that.

I feel it was the overwhelming casual success of WOTLK that took away a lot of server identity stuff. LFG/LFR made communities feel splintered

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I, having seen the original LFD in action, understand that players have been treating other players as disposable entities since 2004 and continuing to this very day. I also understand that this behavior is not being limited in any way by the game developers and will be allowed to continue whether LFD is brought back or not. This player-driven behavior is the reason for a less social experience, not the LFD.

I, having seen the original LFD in action, also understand that my desired number of dungeon runs increased dramatically after its introduction.

Understanding that (with the devs blessing) toxic people will exist and treat me poorly with or without LFD but that I will get more, faster and easier grouping with LFD…its really easy to choose LFD and willingly ignorant not to include it as intended in WotLK Classic.

Now, if Blizz starts talking meaningful discipline for toxic behavior and meaningful actions to prevent player-driven gate-keeping measures and something a little more fancy than /4LookingForGroup (pending) then maybe I’ll change my mind. Until then, the pre-prepared WotLK toolkit will suffice.


Except the choice to be social is based on personality and what you’re hoping to get out of the game. It’s not a “feature” in the sense that people who want to be social will be social even if in smaller pockets of the player base via guilds and friend groups. It isn’t like flying in that it’s not something that really creates disparity by not participating.

ANYWAYS, players aren’t forced to socialize now. Why does making them “/w inv” make any real difference?

No, there really is not. If your convictions are that weak you dont have a point.

Also, its a game. The idea forming a group needs to be some bs tedious task is insane. It’s why lfd was such a giant success and the only people who dont like bring up unquantifiable reasons as to why its not. Their “feelings” over reality.


Original WG sadly will not happen. There was a hugely detailed post last week from Blizz about the old style Wintergrasp being ‘incompatible’ with layering.

I talk to everyone in my groups if they ask questions or if they need help. I talk to strangers when I’m questing, I tell them what addons they can get for what they’re doing and help them when my quest is done if they still need help. I genuinely help all the people I interact with in any way that I can. That being said RDF wouldn’t change anything about that at all for me. All RDF would do is make joining and creating dungeons quicker and easier for me while I’m questing.

I don’t value these interactions of helping strangers I possibly won’t see again over the value of convenience that RDF brings. You can get along well with an RDF group and queue for more dungeons with that group keeping that group together longer than you would without RDF. You’re literally just bypassing the LFG channel spam and searching process. All other social interactions can absolutely still happen with RDF.


I think the game is better if players are drawn to communities like guilds. Playing as a solo player in an MMO and needing Blizzard tools to find playmates? That’s the anti-social player’s choice.

Join an active guild and share in each other’s accomplishments. Blizzard is right to not cater to the anti-social, solo player for an MMO experience.

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There’s currently no incentive to run in a guild to do dungeons. Spam LFG chat and eventually get a group. You’re 100% just romanticizing the current situation lol

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Reminder that the LFG feature didn’t become available until more than one year after WotLK’s release, and less than 6 months before the end of the xpac.

Stop crying. This will probably roll out just like BGs did in Vanilla Classic.

Wrong. 3.3 lasted for about a year before Cata was released.


Reminder wotlk classic is running on patch 3.3.5. Which came out over a year after the release of wotlk. What is your point?


Exactly. LFD is a system, and we should be getting all systems that were in place for 3.3.5.


We were in several solid guilds in tbc. But the same issue arises. Not enough tanks. Not to mention Most tanks get stuck tanking a lot Which burns them out.

Think about the entire system. 5 mans take 1 tank, 10m takes 2, and 25m takes 2-3 . So, 5 to 25, 5 to 25, and 3 to 25 ratio. The entire system creates imbalance.

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