Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

indeed, RFD/LFD got way more players to participate in way more content thus /gasp socializing way more with other players.


I agree about the burn out. My GM was our tank and I used to tell him let someone tank and go dps for stuff we had on farmed. I didnt even tank and knew he needed a break from time to time. Dual spec will help that.

Why is it always ally chars begging for ez mode?

said the horde player that cries every turn that something doesnt go his way

ie hvh

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Horde V Horde was a great idea that saved the game. Whats your issue?

Great for Horde but bad for Alliance. Hmm, sounds like EZ mode for Horde to me. :thinking:


financially makes sense. People were quitting the game cus hour long queues. Ally cry about everything just look at the forums of course theyd cry about horde being allowed to play the game despite it affecting ally non what so ever.

It seems stupid, but who’s to say the actual wintergrasp base(non instance) isn’t a neutral hub for the case that ally wins a WG bg while horde simultaneously wins one. We won’t know until it’s tested on beta.

I’m pretty sure each faction will have their own layer for the base. Kind of how Alliance can win the spirit towers on one layer, and Horde win them on another.

I mean either way they do it, layering doesn’t fix the problem. They say they don’t plan on fixing how the servers are 99% one faction, but will talk about how it’s a problem when it comes to stuff like this.

Isn’t that just a PvP server issue? I thought PvE servers were balanced better.

Nope. Grobbulus is the only NA server that is balanced.


How odd…one would think PvE would have balance better than PvP.

Guess we’re all Cho’Gall now

You may be right. But WG being pvp and pvp servers being that way is why this is an issue. But for the pve servers I don’t have an clue other than I think I seen grobb or mankirk was like 49%/51% faction balance. Forgot which % was what faction but that seems like a perfect balance to have normal WG.

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Wintergrasp cross realm is not ok. Blizzard needs to just break up the mega servers and merge the fragments into balanced realms. Put in the neccesary restrictions to prevent this issue from happening again, and most importantly get rid of layering.


Grobbulus is PVP and 50-50. Mankirk is PVE and 90 something percent Horde.

I think a bit of Pagle recently moved to Benediction.
Mankrik is still fine afaik.

Ahh thanks for clarifying I couldn’t remember which was which.

I like this idea. People should really take a moment from their daily raging and consider it.

And Classic Vanilla ran on patch 1.12 without BGs being released in Phase 1 - what’s YOUR point?

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