Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

“Retailers” is the corniest insult ever. Wanting an intentionally more inconvenient experience with no discernible benefit doesn’t make you better than people who want an already boring game element streamlined (to no real detriment of people who don’t use the feature)


RDF has nothing to do with this, its how the player base from 2022 is different from the one from 2008.

is it that hard to find 4 other people on your server to play with using LFG or the tools (tho they are clunky) already in game?

Sort of, depends on class, spec, place, time of day. More importantly though, we know an easier way should exist for this xpac, and it sucks that its being removed for no reason. Want to form solid 5 man experiences? Go ahead! Whisper people, make a 3 - 4 man group and queue for your last filler, talk to people you see questing or pvping in the outside world. Yes, most people will be in Dalaran queuing while browsing AH or alt tabbed watching streamers, but no RDF doesnt mean they’ll be actively parsing the new tool or creating groups or engaging with group invites. They’ll stay afk in Dalaran or do bank things or AH and then log off, because you can’t force them to overcome that hurdle.


So, you want LFD after ICC was launched like it originally was? How did you survive before ICC originally?

I didn’t bother doing dungeons before because it was too much of a hassle. Just like I haven’t bothered doing dungeons for TBCC and have focused on PVP instead.

The retail experience is not needing a guild or friends list and just pushing a button to form a group with a bunch of randoms from other servers that you won’t see again.

Convenient? Sure, especially for anti-social players. Is that Classic especially the pillars that the devs want to follow? Nope. Like the devs said, if you want the anti-social, “convenient” experience, maybe you should try out that dragon expansion.

It’s not a hassle at all lol. Sheesh, the sheer laziness of some players.

Most of us playing on mega servers means you will never see those people again anyway. Also, LFD has been irrelevant on Retail since Legion because it can’t be used for Mythic+.

Try playing a rogue in TBC and then get back to me.

SooOooO, you want people to be forced to group with you because you play an undesirable class for dungeon running?


Maybe join a guild and be social and do guild runs. They are less likely to care about your class if they chat with you on the daily in your guild discord.


  • “/4 LFM SHH need tank and 1 DPS”
  • “/w inv tank”

Isn’t a “social aspect” or “needing a guild/friends list”. Maybe on dead servers it’s necessary to have a bubble of players near you, but on any significantly-populated server, you can use the global channels to spam/reply to macro-ed group listings.

Being against this is just wanting a pointless friction point for the hell of it. You’re still invited to run with your guild or friends. It’s just that group formation is already anti-social and you’re not saving anything by keeping a QoL tool out of the mix.


It will be an instanced battleground, just like the others. All of those instanced battlegrounds are cross-server. So yes, the Wintergrasp battleground will be as well.

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I’ve been back not even a week and Blizzard has completely changed the gameplay in TBC and already altered Wrath to their liking but yet refuse to give us even Dungeon Finder? Arguably the best innovation in MMO in decades and they think I am getting a social experience spamming LFG all day while out leveling all the content by actually playing the game?

No idea who is working at Blizzard these days but clearly they are completely clueless. Not to mention we now sitting at a two hour unscheduled maintenance. Good to know my sub fees are paying for everything I did not want when coming back to WoW. Core TBC classic was fun for one weekend and I have already canceled my sub. Please do not let these people work on Diablo 4.


Or maybe just give us LFD so I don’t have to worry about being gatekept for playing the “wrong” class. You can still form groups manually if you want to be picky about who you are grouped with.


PvE dungeons don’t require some kind of faction balance to complete. Blizzard over-estimated and made too many servers, spreading factions out too thin to the point that some servers had a crazy imbalance. The instanced WS (which I hate) is supposed to fix that so the PvP crowd don’t cry like the infants they are.

No, evidently it’s important to make sure players are forced into playing the game in a specific way just because

Make that a three hour unscheduled maintenance. :kissing:

The reality is that currently, you form a partial group, and if a role is hard to fill, party members ask their friends/guildies or someone steps up and tries to fill the needed role that they aren’t specced into. The rest of the group is thankful and courteous. We become invested into the group we have formed together and we try to succeed as is.

There is social interaction as the group is formed with current party members.

Having seen the original LFD in action, players just become disposal entities as it is easy to replace members and it really is a less social experience.

Your guild gatekeeps you from joining their dungeon runs or are you guilded just to wear a tabard and not run dungeons with them?

Just flag it as trolling and move on

This is the nonsense blizzard needs to stop listening to.