Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

I’ve answered this question way to many times. You know why it does, I’ll link you my topic on a tangential subject A Hypothetical RDF question - #39 by Sëräph-moon-guard

And that’s all. Use ur brain, go read.

atleast blizz making some good changes now :clown_face:

indeed, if the reasoning behind 1 was solid then reasoning for having the other is equally solid. The hypocrisy of double standards stinks.


Apparently “community” only matters in PVE. :roll_eyes:


They dont play their own game, thats why not adding RDF is okay for them. They think that spamming LFG for 30min is good for the game.

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Honestly, that is what I want, retail, but no borrowed power grind. I want it to be about what drops I have gotten, period.

I just want WotLK as it was back then, both the good and bad.


LFG is the start of what makes classic not classic anymore. Big hope for the future that they follow an OSRS method and don’t do cata classic

IMO Cata is when Retail started. They may do Cata Classic, but it won’t be nearly as popular as WotLK.

I always felt like it was MoP that started the downward trend. required rep grind dailies, timed heroic dungeons, legendaries that everyone could get locked behind long time gates. But since everyone could get them, everyone basically had to get them even on alts or you would find raids hard/impossible to get in to.

Agree 100%

Ironic since MoP is the “Retail” expansion many seem to be nostalgic for. :thinking:

I’m confused, so many people wanting LFD or whatever, is it that hard to find 4 other people on your server to play with using LFG or the tools (tho they are clunky) already in game? LFD made things easy but it also killed the community IMO. I see lots of people disagree, but back when these classic experiences were relevant, I forged the most actual friendships running 5 man content, not 40 man. Just my experience tho. I quit and came back years later just before Cata and while I appreciated how easy the new tools made doing 5 man content, I did lament that I no longer was building relationships with people playing on my server. Of course, after such a long break many people I knew no longer played, but surprise, the few that did welcomed me back and that was so cool. Stuff like that doesn’t exist in modern WoW because it’s basically a giant single player game when it comes to the communal aspect. Trading in authentic relationships for the ability to quickly and efficiently do content. Of course what players want and expect has changed a lot too I suppose.

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My take is that, with server sizes now, there is no community other than guild, or other normal raiding. I’m not on one of the huge servers, but Pagle has like 10k pop. That player pool is so large, you basically never see the same player twice when doing random dungeons.

So, what community would RDF ruin? IMO, the benefits (ability to do things out in the world while queued, no more meta class cherry picking, no gearscore or whatever other arbitrary requirements for dungeons that are vastly easier than the ones we have in TBC) far outweigh the most likely already non-existent community on my server. There are 73 raids full clearing sunwell on my server, over 230 have cleared BT/Hyjal. It is impossible to blacklist someone from a pool that large.


No, it’s not hard at all.

Those wanting the original LFD are just lazy people that want this completely automated. They’re retailers.

I understand and that’s fine. Others have also said they are only here for the power grind reasons or have said they like the class mechanics etc.

For me this has little to nothing to do with it, I just wanted a game similar to the one I loved before the game changed a lot. I subbed for WoW for 12 years straight, and with each expansion for a bit, starting at release and loved it so much but with every expansion for me it deteriorating a little. I kept subbed but over the years but kept loving it less. I only found what I loved again going back to Classic and it was like yes THIS is it (i thought it was me not the game and never tried pservers). So personally I found the power grinds bad but that was never the core of my issues.

For people who only care about power grinds Blizzard said they are doing something in Dragonflight. Who knows about the accuracy but that’s what they said.

My point being yes it is understandable that people are upset whenever something they loved in WotLK changes for WotLK C yes that includes RDF for Wrath and even Wintergrasp for me (I knew how it was going to be but still wanted to express disappointment anyway).

So as great as it is that you only play this for no power grind I think it’s important for the people who want an authentic type of experience for that expansion for whatever reasons they have to aim to get it. Maybe that’s not what the message you read shows (and when I wrote it I was frustrated that nobody else seemed to care about how Wintergrasp is now just another battleground and not a fun server activity) but that’s my honest opinion of it all.

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Original LFD, like, you know, from WOTLK, the expansion we wanted to play…


No, we just want to play the game as it was originally.


okay so… BGs exist, why no LFR raid queu? do you agree?

LFR wasn’t part of WotLK. LFD was.

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