Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

Yeah I get that. You have every reason to feel that way.

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Dramatic. Isn’t it.

Wait a sec, if it is cross-realm how do they determine the access to vault of arcavon per realm afterwards?

Anyone with the buff that you get. Buff goes server wide for your faction if anyone on your faction wins in any of the multiple WG battles that occurs at once. Reasons that both sides can have access. Blizz said a while ago they wanted both factions to be able to have access in some fashion and this is just how they do it. It doesn’t NEED to be only 1 faction with access. Possible new way to access the entrance with either a new npc or possibly just make the room open all the time. Who knows how they actually plan on doing it since they havn’t said. They did say they will have more info on the logistics as beta goes on.

My guess is each faction will have their own layer for VoA.

One of the best parts of Wintergrasp was getting to put together raids right after the victory while standing at the VoA. With this change that social layer will be gone and it will be staring at a tool to form a raid. Very bad change.

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  1. Wintergrasp needed to be changed because faction balance is broken on many servers. Everyone recognizes that. This is a viable solution.

  2. LFD changes have nothing to do with Wintergrasp. Blizzard is following their philosophy of what they believe Classic should be, correcting mistakes made historically in the past that degraded the social nature of the game.

Such flimsy logic this thread has.

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Given the gigantic and numerous misteps of Blizzard over the past 17 years, can you blame anyone for grasping at straws to make sense of any decision they make? I gave up.

They’ve basically cross realmed all forms of PVP and added an express lane with horde v horde, but left PVE players twisting in the wind having to search for a group.

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From what I can tell everyone will have it all the time (except the smaller factions on the smallest realms may not have it sometime) so just expect to have the buff constantly with it meaning nothing. I might be wrong but this is what I’m seeing.


The honest reason is because the devs, the lead one specifically, don’t actually care about classic wow or feedback. Classic is a money making device for them. They will do anything they can to make sure people stay buying boosts. The moment they added the RETAIL group finder into Wrath to avoid RDF because it was “too retail” was the moment the argument lost all value.


Show proof of how LFD prevents you from forming groups please.

You can still form your own group if you dont want to be put in with fresh 70 or not sunwell geared folks.


Wait, what’s the point of WG if it’s cross-realm?? lol?

You didn’t know that when they add systems like dungeon finder that blizzard also removes the invite button. Crazzzzzy, I know.

It’s only crazy if you expect them to do something properly. I think their biggest problem is that they are the last MMO standing and they don’t have any new ideas to steal from other successful games like they used to.


These are the hallmarks

These are the pillars

Because your pretend world just isnt the same. Lmao.

this is trolling; dont need to show proof. you know it i know it blizzard knows it. read the pillars.

All I asked was a simple question, How does LFD prevent someone from making a group? if so please provide citation as to why.

Yeah I read them when they got posted, some of the stuff is contradictory to what is on the beta currently.

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WG is now xrealm w/ normal capacity.

WG keep is now a neutral city, accessible to both factions. PVP turned off within the walls.

Raid room entrance is still flagged for PvP for luls.

Open world WG (outside the keep) is still flagged PvP.

During WG Battle, normal offense defense interactions occur obviously

Winning wintergrasp is one of only two ways to obtain a buff that allows you to enter the raid.

Kills in WG battle now grant a new currency [frozen blood-soaked armament] which you can turn in to extend the base-line buff duration. Buff duration begins at 1hr and can eventually be turned into a 3hr buff, based on how many armaments turned in.

Frozen blood-soaked armament can also be exchanged for honor (so people can continue using them after maxing the buff)

Lastly, accumulating a lot of frozen blood-soaked armaments means you can also purchase the buff directly without having to have competed, and won, wintergrasp recently. [recommended 100 armaments]

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