Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

no to be embarrassed you gotta have shame and the left has stripped shame from the world

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Yeah, Blizzard has a history of doubling down on bad ideas.


Which realm do you speak of? I find it hard to believe there exists a realm where you can’t find 5 people to do a dungeon.

Most of them?

The last time I was on Kirtonos alliance there were literally 4 auctions on the AH. Overpriced bags to take advantage of anyone unfortunate enough to be starting out there.

I’m assuming Wintergrasp is like a BG? Yeah makes no sense why they can’t do it as far as I can tell.

It’s a zone in northrend. Originally it would have a realm only battle every few hours that granted access to the winning faction to a handful of raid bosses.

That was a cool idea but didn’t really work out in practice.

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Those realms are all being consolidated in a week or so right? You could add up those realms and it wouldn’t even account for 1 percent of the entire playerbase. I think that’s why Blizz is closing them. I’m more referring to realms aren’t being shut down soon.

The fact they are being closed is showing that Bliz is trying to fix the problem, both with having healthy populations (to find groups, etc.) and to fix WG. Neither are perfect fixes but at least they are doing something.

A lot of the realms that aren’t being merged are massively faction imbalanced.


Yes, I agree. I was saying that WG change was necessary and shouldn’t be equated with not having RDF, since you can’t honestly say there are servers (again, not those being merged) that literally can’t put 5 people together. Totally different situation.

Same thing with bgs. AV requires 80 bodies. Some unreasonable people think you could get 80 people running to BG entrances for NON-cross realm content and actual get matches going (in their reasoning that because there isn’t going to be RDF, therefore NO instanced content should be allowed - they see it as hypocritical). But this is hogwash.

Getting 80 people together to do PVP content server wide is not even in the same universe as assembling 5 people to do a dungeon.

Well there are factions on those servers that can’t put 5 people together :slight_smile:


OK, like Sulfuras alliance?
I didn’t mention it because I haven’t been there. But it accounts for 12 people.

I’m salty about this because I needed them to do something nine months ago BEFORE all my old realms and everywhere else died.

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Blizz cares more for pvp.

Because PvP is anti-social by itself.

Unfortunately they will still want to sell their 70 boost in ICC phase too, so wouldn’t hold my breath.

Not really. Its focused chat/communication.

3 inc objective.

all that needs to be said. Look at map…1 dude on it. best send 2 people.

and most pvp’ers can work out best way no discussion. If on the other side of the map…you don’t leave it. You won’t make it. And in comes the rogue/druid to ninjya flip your spot too.

So of the 3 people on the closest point…2 go to the callout. gets real easy if one a healer.

Healers don’t hold objectives is a common rule. You take up defence to free up healer to go to the front lines to heal.

If the holy priest is left on the flag…this is wrong. we don’t need a raid leader to say this in chat/red text notification on main screen.

I was just stating that RDF is removed for social concern therefore inclusion of cross-realm PvP queuing automatically means PvP is not social. :slight_smile:

I think not having RDF is the worst mistake they’ve made since the entirety of cataclysm. So many people are going to log in and spend/waste so much time trying to find groups when the answer was there all along in RDF form.

The real social interaction is going to be getting a non-GDPK raid spot. I can’t believe they’re pretending they’re forcing us to socialize. All I want to do is play, not spam LFT and GTG over and over when our group is short a tank.


Blizzard is synonymous with inconsistent.


Yeah…I saw that in time. coffee and sarcasm detection haven’t hit yet lol.

Not sure what is going on in the blizzard conference rooms of late. If some servers can’t scare up 80 people for this (2 teams of 40 if like retail) some of these servers won’t be pumping out the numbers for massive dungeon support either.

Faerlina is not given free transfer. Its massive even though lopsided as hell.

so the few brave alliance left their should have “fun” times for heroic spam. best they can get is horde doesn’t camp the stones out of some gentleman’s agreement.

I ahve seen gentleman’s agreements on grob. Players on horde have let me finish my pve, loot for quest item. then…we fight. Very fair that. I do the same even as rogue. I am an honorable rogue. Didn’t low grade gank in eve, I don’t do it here. I like real targets. there is no honor in killing a target 2-3 mobs took down to 25% HP. I want my fights at 100% all.


Okay I looked up this server and you’re right — it seems like it may not even have double (certainly not triple) digit number of ally for the entire realm. I mean if that’s the standard then sure I can believe you can’t find a five man group. I mean the total player base that fall under this category must be something like 0.0001 percent.

My reaction to this would be if someone is staying and playing actively on a server with only 11 other people, I can’t imagine they care much about making a group to begin with. Unless they just can’t afford to transfer, which if that’s the case they probably have bigger problems to attend to.