Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

You are worried about blizzard making the content irrelevant, when the playerbase did that already? The difference between people running multiple copies of wow to trigger a WG battle, and Cross realm WG is…? Oh right, one of them you actually have to partake in and the other is just a free win. The biggest problem with tenacity is that it doesn’t provide any CC immunities and just extra life and dmg. Just CC the big guy and watch em die.

Realistically there is only 1-2 servers that would have any real WG battles (Not just 5 alts afk in a corner). Those are the only people that really should care but even there… they still get to run it anyhow so I guess not really?

Edit… Oh you are on Pagle, an alliance heavy server. Ok, just wanted to see if you wanted real WG battles or free wins. Being on Pagle myself I actually like the change seeing as how our horde population is so low and a decent number of the horde that are here, are just alliance alts mostly used for flipping towers in hellfire.

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You think this community isn’t that degenerate? They would even SELL the service…

Which is basically what a Pagel WG would be. A free win to beat on loot pinatas.


Hopefully we are getting a patch by patch reproduction of Wrath. Bring back OP pallys and DKs for phase 1. Oh we aren’t getting that? Then bring RDF with launch.


Reported. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That would be chaotic. Fun to watch but not going to happen. lol Love the idea.

I care, and I’ve got character on Grobbulus so there was a bit of that hope that MAYBE. Real Wintergrasp would have been amazing. That’s with being realistic

After loving PVP in Classic enough to get 250,000 kills I’ve found the battlegrounds in TBCC to be a COMPLETE disappointment to the point where cleaning my bathroom is more fun. So I rarely do them. Wintergrasp will now be the same. VERY low quality. Just no fun.

Realistically I knew this would happen, but I can be sad about it. Not everyone is as nonchalant as you.

So for me this will probably mean more raid logging and doing other things instead of playing WoW, I know that no RDF is what puts the game to that point for some people. Things like this are it for me.

I understand that posters sentiment but not so much the previous name calling.


I would love to be a “start of wrath” Blood DK. It would be like Palpatine UNLIMITED POWER! DKs would smash in PvP, it would be hilarious.

Right and I am in no way saying that everyone should be happy about the change. But it does make it more accessible to the community as a whole which should be viewed as a good thing.

Right there with you my friend.

I understand completely. I would personally love RDF because I find myself playing at odd times and sometimes not able to find people to fill groups on my server, the hope of finding someone possibly on another server is nice. But I understand not everyone likes it and I can live without it, as much as I would rather have it.

I understand some people wanted the opportunity to forge those rivalries that Server locked PVP makes but unfortunately the community as a whole has made that hard to come by outside of a few servers. These are the people I am sorry for, having to be lumped into cross realm WGs where you don’t know the other team and can’t reliably make those connections and strive to overcome the opposition.

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I don’t disagree, but i don’t think blizzard had a lot of options on this one. The faction imbalances on some servers is soooo bad one faction wouldn’t be able to field a legit team. It would be like flag flipper alts on pagle in hellfire. Just there to get people their 11 gold and 900 honor, only in this case a shot at loot pinatas. I would rather have cross realm instanced WG vs what the option would be.


There already is a solution. They would just need to uncap the buff to make the weaker faction more of a god in Wintergrasp. If the non-existent pop doesn’t show up then they just lose. Not really the most fun, but it would still be functional.

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Tenacity wouldn’t stop a full raid of 40 or more from rolling 3-4 alts in poor gear. Was it fun to kill raid boss players? Yes, but did it actually make an impact on the outcome? No.

I saw tecacity’d players wreck through the lines and destroy walls more than a few times. Idk what it would be like 1 v 200 though.

oh noes! what will ever happen to me??? please dont do the 1 thing you most fear to me cuz you think i fear it fyi i dont cry more plox

The opposing team didn’t know how to play lol. CC is the bane of the God players. DKs alone would stop them from moving. Yank them back, root/ slow them yank them back again, slow/them, etc. I never saw the god players win. It was fun to fight, but they never won.

I was gonna mention making tenacity give CC immunity at some point too.

This is a really good response to my concerns. Thanks for the understanding, it’s appreciated.


Even if we are on opposite sides of an idea, there is no reason we can’t be civil about it and try to understand both sides. :heart:


At this point, I think they might know just how wrong they were about removing LFD, but may just be too embarrassed/stubborn to admit it.