Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

Can you please like read these posts together and get back on track with the discussion.

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Oh look more vtriol and ad hominem

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if im intellectually dishonest enough, people will give me what i demand: the thread



Imagine letting someone else do all your thinking for you.

That guy you are arguing with is the dollar store version of Bloomsday. I just put it on ignore since it can’t even be entertaining if it’s going to argue just to argue.


@zyrus My question here is you TALK a big talk but are you really ok with ultimately RFD gearing at the same speed as a group put together? i dont mean “the same amount of drops”
i mean if someone chooses to fly to every heroic and put the the group together from the tool that they (being extremely giving and setting this to an inviter and not invitee) would gear up in an amount of /played in the game + or - 5% of someone spamming LFD heroics?

Which would probably involve a combination of much less loot, maybe personal loot 1 item per heroic per day, and a cap on badges.

Well to be really fair we should normalize loot speed to how fast you can get loot if you only RP walk with no mount right?

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this is your arguement that it should exist in the game, and that it doesnt stop “making groups by hand” right? i never advocated normalizing rp walking to dungeons because its never been the defualt game experience lol. Another strawman.

this is the exact ad absurdum that proves our point, that blizz agrees with about how if RDF exists its compulsory.

Why do you hate people who want to RP walk? Certainly you don’t want to get loot faster than them right, after all they’re being even more social and experiencing even more of the world.

im sure if there were "a lot" (quoting you) of people rping walking to dungeons that would be a discussion blizzard wouldnt mind having

but yes, flying to dungeons is compulsory, and thats a requirement i can live with and quite like, luckily blizzard has seen feet to stop the introduction of more compulsory systems that i wouldnt neccesarily agree with.

WG should have always been a BG and the idea only worked on servers with equal faction population.
LFD is a terrible feature and everyone wanting it in Wrath will ask for it to be used in Vanilla/TBC and not just Northrend, because they want to level their alts while being AFK in capital cities. Im almost positive people think they might be getting the Cata RDF.

This is the worst possible outcome then because WG is now irrrelevant and the buff will be 100% uptime on every faction and practically every server.

GG Blizzard you can destroy every fun and meaningful part of classic.

My previous responses were assuming Blizzard wasn’t this incompetent and were at least trying to preserve the meaning of the event.

I can see now I was mistaken by giving them any credit whatsoever.

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That right there is where you messed up. Was still uncalled for you to attack every person saying it would be cross-realm with insults. Just makes you look like a troll which is why so many of us said it.

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blizz design pillars are more genders more pronouns and not making good decisions


I didn’t think they would be this bad at game design…

“We saved your event by making it completely irrelevant! Have fun.” - Signed Blizz…

Players destroyed it with meta gaming. Blizzard is just doing what they have to do to make it actually playable because players ruined the realm balance. Don’t blame Blizzard, blame the players. There was literally no choice. When you have a server where there are ZERO players on one side, the WG would never pop and no one would get the buff to go in and kill bosses.

Yes they would, people would make alts on the other faction (which you can do now) just to do the event.

No one is going to make a alt on a server with ZERO items in the AH and ZERO people in any of the main cities. Yes, that is how dead some of the factions are on some servers. So are they are making alts to throw the match and give people the buff? That isn’t a solution either.

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