Why is cross-realm Wintergrasp OK but not LFD?

not trolling; i highlighted the ableism part for you

Those pillars are crumbling all around us.

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Except that it is for a lot of people.

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0/10 for doubling down. Time to log off buddy.

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They arent, youre just not getting what you want and i know its hard not to throw a tantrum.

Blizzard has been inconsistent and contradictory. This thread is simply pointing out an example of it.


Define a lot.

DO you mean a portion of the playerbase? is alot compared to the total selection of players, alot compared to you as a player alone, alot compared to the average servers of players? Is it a large portion of the undergeared? how larger is the ratio then of geared to undergeared?

Your statement is like saying “This is most definitely a sentence

Well, something happened between Classic and now.

Here’s what I mean. These were the servers at the end of Classic:
WoW TBC Classic Server population (ironforge.pro)

THOSE would have supported Wintergrasp. For the majority of them.

The main difference I can see is the layering was removed in Classic and not removed in TBCC. Once people knew there would be no layers that are when the insane transfers started. Had queues been there and layers been put back then maybe things would have stayed closer to Classic when we had 22 viable PVP servers wIth only 4 of those having very bad imbalance.

Now I won’t argue more could have been done too.

I blame the players AND I blame Blizzard. Both are at equal fault in my opinion.


Nope , BLizzard said “no RDF in wrath”

Then you all screamed WHY.
Then we came in and said “it erodes the social aspect of the game and player agency”

Then you screamed NO

then blizzard came along in a long blue text and said “it erodes the social aspect of the game and player agency”

What part of “it erodes the social aspect of the game and player agency” dont you understand?

Exact portion doesn’t matter, it is a large chunk, but that it exists at all proves that lack of LFD does not force socialization the way some people claim.


Yes, Blizzard didn’t try to manage servers until it was too late. Now a whole bunch are getting shut down for good. Yes, people wanted to dog pile on the mega servers, but that doesn’t mean Blizzard had to make it easier by allowing transfers to them.


You all seem to have forgotten that most realms were lopsided back in wrath. Having WG is such a huge bonus that nobody is going to play without it. It’s just not worth losing out on the shards and vault runs.

it matters alot. Look, I’m really not trying to be inflammatory here but you took high school math right?

My server was fine in wrath. Pretty balanced. There were some great rivalries that extended to the whole server and conversations of the server forums between the horde and alliance. It was fun.

That’s why I’m a bit disappointed (and wanted to express that) even though I’ve expected this for months.

I’m ok with battlegrounds in a way and I like them, but found it a lot more fun to have something different. Not just more of the same.

hat it exists at all proves that lack of LFD does not force socialization the way some people claim.


When i run dungeons with guildies, we get on discord and have a good time. When i run dungeons with randos from GBB its “70 X ok, if so INV”. Then “table and lock rocks plz”. Then “doing skip” or “sheep moon”, then “mind if i take for offset?”, Then “GG everyone, have fun!” This is the norm, the abnormal is lots of socialization. Even if we run a couple of dungeons back to back. I don’t care either way if RDF is put in or not, but there isn’t a lot of socializing going on from my personal experience.

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That line is BS. A level 58 boost, which turns all Azeroth zones into ghost towns, doesn’t erode the social aspect of the game? Mega servers, with populations so large no one knows anyone, doesn’t erode the social aspect of the game? Same faction BGs, which forces you to fight your own faction, doesn’t erode the social aspect of the game? GDKPs, which turn the game into nothing but financial transactions, don’t erode the social aspect of the game? I could go on, but you get the idea.


so what youre saying is that a move that inherintly changes how the entire playerbase intercts with grouping in the game for an entire segment of dungeons, should accomodate… 1 person?

So then you dont mind it not being the optimal way to gear in that case? what if LFD dungeons gave 1/2 the loot, or required a crafting component to complete the loot drop?

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Quite a bit more than 1 person :slight_smile:

You weirdos who want to treat everyone you pug with as BFF’s are the cringy minority


You wish that line is bs, but its echo’d be the people who make the game. Youre wrong here and stuffing your fingers in your ears yelling “lalalala give me what i want” is actively detrimental to your ultimate enjoyment of the game in how in definitely launches.