Why is buying gold not bannable?

ur a problem playes the game just to report for anyone that sayes gdkp childish its just a norther form of a loot system dont like it dont pay attention to it and just dont go hows that

If you buy gold your account should be permanently banned. People would be a lot less likely to buy gold if that were the case.


yet here you are… continuing to play the game and post on the official game forums

I disagree with the bolded part.

just don’t mean to other players or afk in battlegrounds and you’re safe :slight_smile: !..

I ASSURE you, its not.

Blizzard absolutely bans for gold buying, but if you’re absolutely convinced they don’t, please by all means do so for educational purposes, and let us know how that works out for you.

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So kill 2 birds with 1 stone, just put in the wow token so if people want gold, they have a method and stamp down on bots. Of course stopping the bots should be a priority for a variety of reasons that quite frankly gold generation is on the lower end of the spectrum. Bots ruining BGs > Bots farming gold.

Or just leave it the same and less people are buying gold? You think having more people buying gold is the fix for stopping people buying gold? Lol

The Chinese servers already have WoW tokens for Classic though.

Should it be bannable? Probally not who knows

They do not care and you’ll get away with it every time.

Oh trust me Blizz bans gold buyers, I know because during TBC I sold dungeon runs as a tank, for gold, and got banned for buying gold. Suffice to say, I stopped doing that and just resorted to Unneeded blues = mine.

To believe your story would imply blizzard just bans people for playing the game legitimately.

buying gold has existed forever, id rather see multiboxers banned and individuals who use the d/c glitch in BG’s banned.

2 guildmates just got banned recently for buying and will be banned until after Wrath launch.

I’ll just farm the gold.
Not worth it getting banned.
Not like it’s that hard to make gold.


Good hopefully they’ll learn their lesson. Perma ban would be better.

It was stated above. Blizzard creates this problem. They create the demand. I just want fast flying for all my characters as a casual player, but I dont want/dont have time to grind gold for months to generate 20,000 gold to do that. Does anyone know why it costs 5000 gold for fast flying skill? Why is the gate so high? If they lowered the price to 1000 or offered the token, gold buying would be minimized imo.


I think its easier to ban bots in private servers than official ones tbh.
Blizzard sells wow NA in several LA countries which they have representation… and many of them have different laws about virtual crimes, if you mess up a ban you might in fact end up losing a legal battle that may cost thousands of subs.

Btw wow token isnt a solution, it didnt solve anything if anything it made the game p2w and encouraged this modus operandi.

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