Why is buying gold not bannable?

Shouldn’t that be bannable?


It is. they hand out suspensions usually for the first time.


No? People can go to a website right now and get gold sent to their mailboxes with no consequence


The consequence is always delayed but I assure you, its there.


It’s my perception that, while this type of thing is bannable, it’s not important and urgent so most likely Blizz will remain barely reactive and never proactive towards gold-buying…


There is no consequence for doing almost anything in classic, that’s why GDKPs are dropping 1 million gold pots and gold sellers can run as many bots as they want for however long they want. 1 out of 4000 gold buyers probably cop a 3 day suspension at most.


I have heard of 14 day suspensions

Yeah, I’m sure it happens occasionally but I don’t know anyone personally who has been banned for buying gold. The only time I know of when people were getting regularly suspended was for afking in AV during som. Otherwise you can pretty much do whatever you want with no fear of any consequences in reality.


Yeah you can google a tbc classic website and buy gold without a problem they don’t even scam

No one is disputing that. Its well known that gold is easy to buy. It is however not free from consequence.


So how in your mind does blizzard stop some website hosted in another country selling digital currency?

Let me help you out, they can’t.

But they do ban gold buyers all the time. If you’re actually a part of the games communities its discussed on discord on a weekly basis.


There is far less than a 1% chance you will be suspended or banned for buying gold. And even if you are it’ll be a few days suspension then you can just go buy gold again. I wouldnt say that’s much of a consequence.


Having GMs and tracking gold buyers and sellers would be a start…


It is bannable, people who buy large quantities for gdkp though have gotten better at evading bans. For huge ticket items like thoridal people will pay the organizers the USD equivalent rather than trade gold. For other stuff people who frequent gdkps often usually have a 2nd burner account that they buy and trade gold on so their main doesn’t get touched.

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You cant stop the website, you can stop them in game. Thats the point i made.


GDKP’s are a huge issue, for sure. Personally, I refuse to stoop to their level. I’d rather try to start a pug for something instead.

Ultimately it’s player behavior though. Blizzard can only take on so much of the responsibility of curbing it.


Brian Birmingham confirmed on Twitter that GDKPs are “never going away”.

People are spending 1 million + on items in GDKPs when the xpac is almost over.

GDKPS are all you see in text channels.


Brian Birmingham buys gold.


I am in the same boat, i did run GDKPs in the past but I refuse to partake anymore. I don’t necessarily agree with the “player behaviour” argument though. Mage boosting was also player behaviour. Don’t get me wrong i hate mage boosting too and am glad it will be gone, but i find it funny that blizzard bans player boosting whilst selling a RMT boost side by side and then not taking a stance against GDKP and the major reason for this is they know they will lose a lot of bot subs if they ban GDKP because that’s essentially their regular customer base eliminated instantly.


I think, even at the best of times, design decisions that affect a re-release are hard decisions to make.

I expect they do the best they can.

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Towards the end of classic era there was a few people in the guild I was in that got hit by a ban wave for buying gold. It’s more than just a few days suspension.

The problem is, you can never kill the market for buying gold. It’s been a thing in MMO’s since the beginning of MMO’s. If a $15/mo paywall and 6 month ban isn’t enough of a deterrent to stop people from buying/selling/advertising it, how much more can they do on a realistic level?

I think more of a solution would be to go after the seller than the buyer. But that’s an even more difficult task because the sellers are on burner accounts anyway.

I don’t usually defend blizz, but let’s not pretend there’s an easy, one-size-fits-all solution to this problem. I can see their dilemma here.

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