Why is Blizzard so cheap that they dont hire Humans for bot detection?

It’s also hilarious that you believe Blizzard given their track record.

So what’s the answer to my original question? Why isn’t what I linked a viable option?

How do you know so much about how bots work?

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This problem isn’t unique to wow. Wow has it’s problems, which they even talk about in the interview too, but look at FFXIV.
You can log in any server in FFXIV right now for example and find 20-30 lalafell bots sitting under the world. All of those bots get banned before they make it to max level. But people still complain because they see them out in the game at all.

Many of them are using multiple hoops to jump through to mask their activity.

If you take the aggressive route of mass-banning those people. Then you will catch real players up in it. They even talk about this in the interview, how you could take much more aggressive action but it would end up catching real players up in it and cutting your nose off to spite your face would be bad. How many players would quit because of accidental bans?

Had a job to combat botting. But last thread I talked about this in I got dogged on by idiots who think they know how bots works when they don’t. They claimed nos had the same scale of combatting bots that classic wow does which is honestly hilarious. They claimed you could just hire GM’s every day to watch and stop every bot. It’s just not possible. I’m also not as well-spoken as Pirate Software. He’s more charismastic and easier to believe. But I don’t really care about that, I care about how stupid our community is when it comes to bots and why they think its so easy to just stop all of them with the click of a button when it’s absolutely not and never will be the case.

We have a coalition of players in HC wow right now fighting bots. In a version of the game where they can perma-kill bot characters. Even they can’t eradicate the bots and there are hundreds of players hunting them. Let alone the rest of the servers and layers where player death isn’t permanent.

All that is to say: watch the interview. Watch the interview and listen to what they are saying.

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Right on thanks.

Do you know of any readily available resources where we can learn more about the botting process?

That ones hard. You’d mostly want to look at security spaces, but it’s not limited to just botting. Youtube is a nice resource because former employees are able to openly talk about this stuff while people still in the industry usually can’t give details away so they just don’t.

I fully agree with Pirate that Blizzard should openly discuss actions they take. The botting reports on FFXIV are very nice to see regularly.

They don’t take any actions.

They ban 0.001% of bots every 6 months to pretend they take actions.

Nah they banned GDKP’s thus permanently solving botting for all time.


They banned GDKP’s because it was counter to the spirit of the game

I agree botting is, too bad banning GDKP’s did nothing to stop it.

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GDKP bans were a great step in the right direction.

ever notice how there’s no GDKPS in Retail?

Banning GDKP’s didn’t need to stop botting, it just needed to stop GDKP’s

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I have to disagree, I think what you’re saying is a really idiotic take.

IF these bots were actually masking their activity, or their routes, or splitting up their playtime, maybe you’d have a point.

But there are literally hundreds or thousands of bots running the exact same pixel path right on top of each other, that is 100% detectable by means currently in the game, and if there was any effort to attack these routes we would see many less bots doing so.

The fact that these bots are so rudimentary and operating in plain sight in the exact same paths over and over on top of eachother, with the same chinese character boar names, is proof they have absolutely no fear of any kind of detection systems.

They aren’t even trying.

If these bots were sophisticated in any way, maybe you would have a point, but right now currently you really don’t.

Don’t pretend to be so much smarter than other people, that it clearly shows how ignorant you are if you really believe they do not have the technical means to detect bots running in the exact same pixel path on top of eachother for 500+ hours straight.

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Great so let’s bring on the personal loot in classic.


I agree blizzard lied about how banning GDKP’s would stop botting, but they did very successfully gaslight people into thinking it would.

Na they didn’t do that

Yep botting is still rampant, you keep making threads about it.

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Why would I not make threads about botting?

Well you seem to dismiss that blizzard’s only answer so far has been to ban GDKP.

The operative answer to OPs primary question is a legal directive known as “Fiduciary responsibility to shareholders.”

It’s against the law for a corporation to intentionally behave in a way which would reduce profit.

Yes, this is every bit as psychotic as it sounds, and is the root for a litany of other societal issues humanity is experiencing.


Why would not dismissing that suddenly make me stop making threads about botting?

If you ban 5 bots, 10 more pop up in it’s place. Simple bans is not the solution to this wide-spread problem. They still do bans, but if you think for one second they can just mass-ban the bots you’re mistaken. The bots also use third party software to mask their activity from warden. It’s not so simple for a majority of the bots. Blizzard is constantly banning bots though and constantly taking items and gold away from them out of the economy.

Literally nobody claimed that banning GDKP’s would stop botting. Y’all are so stupid. How do you even grasp how to play this game when you say stuff this dumb?