Why is Blizzard so cheap that they dont hire Humans for bot detection?

that statement sounds good, but it doesn’t reflect reality on the ground.

the greed at the bottom is what’s eating away at the foundation.

This is wrong. See this post:

This also isn’t true. When the integrity of the game goes down, blizzard loses money from actual players. Blizzard doesn’t keep bots around for greed. It’s counter intuitive to them making money. See above post.

Please stop linking your crappy youtube videos.

It might do you some good to learn something

Nothing is learned from your crappy video.

Litterally former blizzard employee who banned millions of bots talks about the botting problem.

Greed at the bottom? What greed is that? Compare salaries of the ‘normal workers’ 20 years ago vs. CEOs and other suits. Then do the same in 2024. The disparity has SKYROCKETED. And all people say is, “But a business has to make money!”

People really are falling for the scam.

Blizz could easily hire GMs to police the game. As well as a lot of other expenses they’ve cut over the years. Why don’t they? Because the board members might not get that extra 20 million bonus every year. You think they pass those savings onto the rest of the workforce? Or a cheaper product, or a better product? No…it goes straight in their pockets. Wake up.

According to Thor(Pirate Software, ex-Blizz employee) there’s an actual crime syndicate that runs gold farming and it’s not just WoW it’s every game.

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we should admire success not vilify it.
we won’t get ahead through causing harm to others better than us.

I know its not a common response, but bots also have a secondary effect.

By inflating the player base with bots, you inflate the value of your company. It enables and encourages corruption. This has a flow on effect for both short and long term returns. As well as enabling the gaming company as a money laundering event.

You can also rug pull with it, and with that hold the company hostage if they dont look or bother to find out how many there are, as they failed due diligence.

they are the same G sellers.

Blizzard can easily remove GM-level client APIs to neutralize LUA unlockers, which all major botting software relies on, but they don’t. They can easily ban all flyhacks by monitoring excessive character position changes in XYZ coordinates with database checks, but they don’t. This pirate guy is either clueless about how botting actually works or hard-shilling for Blizzard for whatever reason.


Anyone know what kind of repercussions this might have?

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Congrats on leaving me speechless.

This place is usually amusing, but that’s just disturbing, since we’re talking real life. Some people really do prefer being in chains.

But to pull the topic back to Blizzard and WoW, I would say they built an empire by not just focusing on the bottom line. They invested in customer support and cared about the user experience. If the company was run back then the way it is now, they never would have been the huge success they became.

you have such faith in a broken, understaffed, uncaring system

You’re just wrong. Many of the bots are performing actions that performable by players. If you go down the route of banning anyone who performs similar actions to bots you end up banning players too who have done nothing wrong. Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Not every bot is using api commands. You don’t know what you’re talking about and claiming the people that do don’t. Y’all are so dumb.

I can see why scientists and doctors struggle to with the general public. They have no experience or expertise in an area and think they know better than those that do.

Both blizz and farmers win. Why would it stop?

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This was a comment from the video you linked and I asked a question pertaining to it.

I don’t know much about this kind of stuff hence the question.

It still doesn’t excuse the fact that blizzard lets blatant bots run around for months farming.

Lol, you think I’m an actual Scientist irl because I use that tag? You must be a Zolmation irl right? Jesus Christ dude. And I’m the dumb one?

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Your character name had nothing to do with what I said.

Blizzard doesn’t let bots run around for months. They’ve done more work to fight bots than you could probably fathom. Not understanding the scale of botting is the problem with the playerbase. Not understanding that when you take 1 out, 3 more pop up in it’s place or how wide-spread the botting problem is, is a problem with the playerbase.

But the biggest problem with the playerbase is they don’t want to understand. They just want to complain about how Blizzard does nothing, even if its not the case.

Should seriously watch the interview because they do talk about how most bots are indistinguishable from real playerse in several different ways unless you are manually watching the bot yourself. Which is a waste of time outside of hardcore.


So please explain the countless videos of flyhackers and conga lines of bots.

They’re not the majority of bots, and they get banned all the time.