Why is Blizzard lazy with graphics/models?

Don’t get me wrong their system isn’t perfect. The targeting is awful and movement isn’t as fluid as WoW’s but in terms of customization and graphics it is better than WoW’s IMO.

I can only assume based on what you present, and all you’ve presented is someone who can’t see the forest for the trees.

What made WoW special was never how minutely you could detail your character. It’s not that kind of game, and never will be. If your prime concern is how pretty you can make your character, WoW isn’t the game for you, and XIV is waiting.

Pretty much this. I play another MMO with 3 times better graphics and that game uses less CPU and GPU process.

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“Why is Blizzard lazy with graphics/models?”

My bad, I thought that was the name of this topic. Must just be on my screen.


Still wrong.

Just speak for yourself.

Yea all the races has the same animations now even vannila wow has more unique animations to different race

Seems right to me, unless you can explain why other topics get more replies on the forums. :slight_smile:

Might be because they care more about those topics than this lol

To ne honest if wow could habe all those sliders and bells and whistles.

Probably WoW will end up looking as an Generic asian mmo, with all neing the same. The cartoony graphics arent as maleable as ultra hiper realistic ones would be.

I mean, faces and body tipes in wow are already exagereted. Long arms, big blocky heads, it would be harz to make all that customizable and on tje same style as everything else. Imo

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Body types would in fact work.

Not as sliders. But as options like let’s say hair options.

I feel like the burnt tree backround in BFA was very very lazy compared to an actual model you could go to before the tree was burned down at Darkshore.

That’s because of how the engine is made. It would be way to much work to redo to support better looking gear. Armor like robes literally replace the character’s legs.

People need to realize that these graphics aren’t anything Blizzard can really change without changing the engine and ALLLL the characters models and gear as well. Yes when I log out of FF14 and then into WoW I throw up a little in my mouth but I don’t hold it against the game or Blizzard. It’s a much older game and engine.

Blizzard could do some major overhauls on the part of the engine so that more work is done with modern graphic cards and take some of the processing off CPU though. I can get 110+ fps in FF14 at max settings in a 24-man raid but in WoW I get something like 20fps in a raid.

It’s an old engine that Blizzard keeps trying to update the best they can with each xpac.

Part of the problem for mmorpgs is that the base character models and animations have to be simple to account for just how many can be popping off at once.

Just going back in MMO history… EQ graphics to today’s standards are just awful… painfully awful. They realized they couldn’t do an overhaul of the entire base so they did the next best thing… EQ2 - Graphics were amazingly better and was a good game in it’s time…and the requirements to run it were not even close to the same as EQ (which angered a lot of people) so, how about:


Let’s do dis!

I’ll have to disagree with the graphics. I mean, it kinda sucks for them that they really were pioneers in it, but the realistic style they use is seriously overdone now, and really, I miss the old squeenix art, where they had an actual style to it, not just a standard realistic look. But that gets into the debate of style, and not just counting polygons or whatever.

That would fix the graphics situation, certainly. The problem is that you’d either have to re-create all those 15 years of content from scratch or lose all of it.

Remember, when EQ 2 came out, it split the player base badly.

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It really did… and even though both are still going today that was the beginning of a lot of people leaving permanently.

Yeah, Blizzard is basically stuck with the engine. Can I see something like two or three different body designs? Maybe. But its not an easy undertaking like it would be in a modern engine, and the game is so old and big that there’s no real chance of replacing the engine.

God no. We don’t need World of Warcraft 2. IF the graphics of this game aren’t good enough for you, then it’s time to move on to another game. Like even you said, EQ2 pretty much was the death of EQ and EQ2…

Not really [outside of maybe a small handful of games] and given graphics cards have become more and more demanding with their specs,it’s best WoW does keep their engine especially in a society where the rich get preferential treatment and the working class get royally screwed over. Sure,one can upgrade to the mentioned cards rather than shell out 2-3 grand HOWEVER a mix of inflation caused by cryptocurrency miners,economic woes from the pandemic and a trade war caused by presidents who REALLY need to have their phone taken away [the main resources for these cards are in China] made graphics cards expensive AF.

In my opinion,I personally enjoy the cartoony style of WoW as it gives the game charm and doesn’t need that unreal 4 uncanny valley aesthetic to be considered good or playable. Would it be nice? Maybe but now wouldn’t be a good time as it would alienate the majority of the playerbase to appease a minority of rich players who most likely don’t have to worry about watching their wallets bleed via bills,rent/mortgage,food,etc. and can afford non potato/meh PCs.

So you don’t like the graphics because they are to “realistic?” To each his own I guess.