I am new to WoW, 2-3 months or so… so I know some of you have endured this since the beginning… Its hard for me to get past the character models first of all. Why can’t WE dictate their size (tall and wide). I find it odd that say every character in a race that you create is EXACTLY the same size. Just like a 25% increase or decrease option to size for every race would add so much uniqueness. and the belly on Pandaren and Kul Tiran almost make them unplayable for many (based on posts I have read). I would think we could adjust this as well…
There has to be a good reason Blizzard doesn’t offer this and never has, anyone know what it is. Im 50 years old and have played just about every MMORPG. So far I absolutely LOVE this game, but ironically it’s the only MMORPG I have ever played where I look at my character and think “meh” with not as much of a sense of pride…Idunno, maybe it’s just me? I see like many NPC’s in game that are the a played race but larger than the player model. Seems like a simple add!
Also, the animations for Shadowlands Frost DK 2hander are pretty sad with how much time they had to make it look real…but thats another thing they seem to just say “bah, too much work”… it may be too much work but I just don’t know why they stay this way. /shrug Im sure there are a ton more examples I am unaware of.
it’s been 15 years and we’re just now getting new customization options. It hasn’t exactly been a priority of theirs.
Exactly… why? That is what I am not getting. Why not different sizes? Why not different shapes? There HAS to be a reason they haven’t done it.
something something engine cant handle it (i think this is bs by the way)
The answer is probably no more complicated than they don’t want to.

No idea. I would guess it’s just because WoW has always been more focused on end game content like raiding. They didn’t want to sacrifice development time on shiny cosmetics when so many of the players don’t care about it.
My guess is that they don’t want to have to rework how to fit armor to every body type.
As it is, they craft armor sets on human males and make them fit to other races, which is why they look terrible on almost everyone except human males.
Blizzard would die if they had to do that for hundreds of body types. They like to take the easy way out.
Warcraft started in the 90s. They’ve been running with the art design ever since.
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I think the OP wants one of those WWE Smackdown style body customizing options in wow. Don’t think he’s talking about the art style
As for why Blizz hasn’t done it, players don’t really care. Look at a pathfinder thread, thousand responses. Look at one of the heirloom threads, heading to a thousand responses. Tried to take out portals, thousand responses. Tried to remove brutosaur, thousands of responses. This thread and any one body morphing, probably would stop before 200.
The game came out in 2004 why is this hard to understand
You’re gonna tell me the devs making RuneScape were also lazy too?
Because body sliders don’t work in WoW.
Also Blizzard in regards to its world design and art/models, they ARE NOT lazy in the slightest.
theyve had so many years to update it to something more customizable
They have to rehaul the whole game
Modern games get modern engines because they are either:
Single player games
Multiplayer games that have recently been released the past couple of years
They can’t just copy and paste WoW on this engine it has to be remade from scratch
Even if they did, good luck trying to have players with Walmart special setups to play it
But that is so untrue. People absolutely DO care about this. They have just accepted customization s are never gonna happen. and why does it have to be zero sum with content and models? Why can’t it be both? I dunno, wont make a difference obviously as they aren’t going to do it… I just really thought there would be more player customization in such a massive game. I still love it tho!
Blizzard’s philosophy is to keep requirements as low as possible to allow as many computers to play their games as possible. Static sizes help with that, I’m assuming significantly. They also built their engine to not allow it because of this philosophy so even as systems progressed to the point where it’s probably not that big a deal, their engine doesn’t allow it and they’ve built so much on top of their original engine that going back and trying to alter the engine would be extremely difficult without messing up a bunch of things.
It’s a good question. FFXIV has simple things like being able to adjust height and physique (muscle tone) and the game runs fine.
You can also adjust things like eye shape, ear/tail length, etc.
Wouldn’t that require the skeleton being modified? That just sounds annoying to make sure all the animations still work for taller or shorter options
When it comes to character models they definitely are, which is what OP is talking about. Took us 15 years just to be able to separate eye color and faces.
Some of us, yeah. Just not enough that Blizzard decided to finally add new options to bring the game up to par, until now.
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Agreed… I have found the world designs breathtaking at times where I stopped for a few moments just to look it all over. But again, that’s my point. The most personal thing in this game, our characters, are all the same…
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