Why is Blizzard lazy with graphics/models?

They’re boring. Thus not really good IMO. There is a difference between good graphics and highly realistic graphics. Give it some style like they used to have to set it apart, but right now they’ve hopped on the realism train and most of their stuff looks like a whole lot of other stuff, can’t really look at it and go “Oh, that’s (specific game!)” like you could with say Borderlands, or Wind Waker, or WoW. Art style is an important thing, and it’s a shame so many companies are chasing the same dragon of real life graphics.

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My guess is that it has to do with the amount of time they give themselves to release new expansions while meeting standards for other parts of the game at the same time. It cuts into things like our characters aesthetics.

Although another part of me would like to also argue that a hairstyle or skin color can’t take THAT much time that we shouldn’t get a little bit a little more often…

It’s one of those things where I’m like… that’s okay but why not put in a bit extra for us sometimes? Lol it’s a 60 dollar expansion on top of subscription…

How many more years for full 3d armor?

I miss how old character models looked. Not necessarily the immense polygonal structure, but they were nicer looking, IMO. Everyone almost seems to have eaten a bee and has smushy faces now. I can’t seem to get into them.

I don’t mind cartoonish graphics, nor do I mind realistic graphics. I just want the game to be playable and the story to make sense.

I don’t mind cartoonish either. I just mind everything looking the same.

Save for those Black Friday sales :wink:

I would think the engine is the issue considering it’s an almost 2 decade old game now.

A 2020 toaster has better coding than WoW. That’s probably why.