Why is Blizzard lazy with graphics/models?

That kind of a lame reply… we are paying customers. We get to make suggestions on what we would lie to see. It was more of me wanting to understand why the player characters seemed so outdated… and it’s a fair question. and saying things like “I would rather have good content than amazing looking characters” is nonsense as well. It doesn’t have to be ZERO SUM. It doesn’t have to be all of one thing and none of another. We should be able to have BOTH… but now I understand better the complete rewrite of the entire graphics engine would just be too daunting and isn’t as simple as just making that better. The character models didn’t stop me from starting this game and wont cause me to leave…

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Because there are millions of players that don’t want any change. They like the graphics the way they are.

Do you not remember when they revamped models the first time?


You can absolutely say you want the game to improve. There’s nothing wrong with that, but when you attribute things you don’t like to the developers being lazy or incompetent or any other way entitled players that have no damn clue as to the work that actually goes into computer programming always say, then no. You’re not just making suggestions, you are throwing insults and that is not okay.

Id prefer they work on a playable game, personally.

Not even one time did I call them lazy or anything even close to that… ever. In fact quite the opposite… I have done nothing but praise them for many parts of the game. You must have meant that to someone else.

One of the biggest complaints about Kul Tirans is how some of the older outfits stretch on them. Now actually going back and redesigning every single outfit to fit Kul Tirans perfectly is something that would take YEARS to do. Now imagine that multiplied by every single race.

Yes, that was meant to the OP, and many others that you’re defending and just the gaming community in general.

Warcraft has got a pretty iconic aesthetic and while size sliders isn’t necessarily out of the realm of possibility, the simple, stylized look of things in the game is a feature in a world where everything else is trending towards hyper-realism. The templating of races into specific sizes is a bit boring, perhaps, but also ensures that the items that you stick on those characters will, by and large, fit. There’s stretching issues here and there, but when you get into changing up individual parts and their relation to the rig as a whole, you’ll start to see pretty gruesome clipping and stretching.

I wouldn’t expect to see anything to “fix” that until WoW is retired and its successor emerges.


Blizzard seems to think these little tweaks and character customization elements were burdensome enough that they decided to completely omit designing a new class because of it.

They basically told us we could have had one or the other in Shadowlands, and opted for like 5 new hairstyles instead.

Unless you want stretchy stretchy armor, more than what already exists, it would take a a rig overhaul and retouching of a lot of armor and weapons to avoid clipping and other unseemly effects.

Now. Do they care? Honestly not sure when some heritage armor has clipping.

Like. Armor specifically designed for the immutable character model. That doesn’t change. Clips.

To be done right it would take a significant investment.

That, and they probably just don’t wanna.

My impression has been that they are going for an art style that is kind of like dumping a toy box upside down, and playing with action figures. All made from the same molds, but painted different.

There is a problem with scale as well, with cities (at least pre-Suramar) being relatively small, some leading characters appearing ridiculously large, etc. I think of it like a death star playset vs being in the actual death star.

And then there is just the vastness of the game, and the work it would take to properly QC. Things like legs just sticking through mounts, hair clipping helms, Worgens in general…ugh.

I think it is a combination of intentional art style and product of limiting technology from 15 years ago…it can be jarring compared to a modern game, for sure. Some days it’s a comforting throw back, some days I don’t notice it at all, and somedays I set down red dead redemption 2 and turn on wow and want to cry.

That’s not an argument or a counter, that’s just pulling the ole “You can’t give criticism if you don’t do it yourself.” card. Which is just silly.

What, you think “The Room” isn’t a great drama and instead think it’s a “so bad it’s good” comedy movie for how much it gets wrong? Well i haven’t seen you make a movie, so your criticisms is invalid.

What’s that? your car broke down? Well i don’t see you making a car, so hush.

You think those ightmare inducing Disney knockoffs on the Ps2 like Snow White and the 7 Clever boys are just pure awful? Where’s your game? If you don’t have one, then your criticism is invalid.

I hope you catch the point cause this is a silly way to think. Nothing is above criticism.

Obviously game making isn’t lazy, but i think your missing the point that those who call the game devs lazy are looking at the more finer details that make up the big overall picture. You can have a game that functions, but if you have repeated animations, dialogue, some odd model placements, dated graphics, enemies popping up infront of it, pop in, missing textures and such, t-pose’s, glitches, terrible optimization, and so on that doesn’t have much work or attention put in, or just happen to be an exact same thing of but with a different skin, then what do you call it then if it’s not lazy?

Being a coder doesn’t give you a free pass from critique. Again, nothing is above criticism.


I am the OP, and again, never once did I say anything negative whatsoever… sheesh

I feel so called out.

Most armor looks pretty good on anything that isn’t a beast race.
There’s a few exceptions, like the gigantic shoulders for Nightelf/Nightborne males - but I find it comical instead of awful.
And Vulpera wear most armor alright as the only beast race with well… normal postures. That said, they wore the armor better in beta/alpha. Helmets were fit to the shortest muzzle instead of the longest (so most of them looked good for a best race) and the boots covered the whole paw with just the claws sticking out (again, looks much better than ‘cut at the ankle’ that they currently have.)

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Again, I have no problem with CRITIQUE. But throwing insults like lazy or incompetent isn’t critique.

As for ‘dated graphics’ you do realize this game is 15+ years old, right? Even if they could completely update the graphics, it would be a brand new game at that point.

If you want a game with 2020 graphics, then you need to play a game made in 2020, not one made in 2004.

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Then why do you use the “You can’t give critique if you don’t do it yourself”? That’s used to deflect criticism. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Okay, so what then you call it then? You telling us that Lazy and Incompetent isn’t critique, so what should we use to describe games that doesn’t have much attention or care put into it?

What can you describe Fallout 76 for example that doesn’t sound insulting then? Are we suppose to just sit down and say Bethesda have great coders for the sheer fact they worked on this game for 3 years? Are we not suppose to call the multitude of glitches in that game incompetent? are we not suppose to say “no improvements to the engine what so ever” is lazy?

Talking about WoW BFA specifically, in the launch to little later atfer 8.2, i seen a couple of spots where theirs missing water squares, occasional animation glitches, and not to mention couple times in my runs of islands, not only i found a ship in the air just floating in the air, but there was a time where a cannon shoot me though the ground, clipping me though the ground and bam, on the ship that just happens to be under the map. How is that in particular even okay?

Yes. That’s not in question.

The dated graphics comment was talking about games in general.

That has nothing to do with what i have just said in the previous comment and this is just assuming what i want on your part.

As for reading the OP on the first post, all he seem to be suggesting is a simple XYZ scale for the character creation. Nothing insanely complicated that will take “Years and years and years to incorperate one little thing, the devs can’t do it in just 6 months at min, IT HAS TO BE YEARS.”.

By the by, why is it always years? implying more then 1? It’s an XYZ scale. Heck, it’s already there, worst case scenario the UI artists and coders would need like a week at best to put it in and limit the sizes you can be. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well that’s a shame.

Lol… why? I have done nothing in this thread but praise the game… all I was asking was why models are so old on a game that is so cutting edge… You obviously skimmed all of it and assumed something wrong…but I will forgive you, just this once. Silly Tauren.

I can accept this. I don’t appreciate the way that a lot of armor looks on Belves or trolls, but it’s better than some.

I 100% agree, majority of mmo’s nowadays come out with sliders for characters as a base thing for the game so why is the number 1 mmo so far behind??

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