Why is Blizzard lazy with graphics/models?

That’s a GD standard when the person posting has neither the intellect nor the knowledge to offer anything of substance. Ironic considering that “they’re lazy” is by far the laziest critique possible.


Lots of “WoW killers” over the years boasted much better character customization. Turns out its not really important. Don’t get me wrong, Its cool to see the new options. But they’re not going to make or break the game.


I think its a combination of it’s age and their understanding (or lack thereof) when it comes to player customization. I think garrisons really hit that home when it came to the disconnect between practicality vs cosmetic. Hell even trying to explain the concept of customization to some people here is strangely difficult, even after the success of transmog.

Bro, or sis, this game is old AF. I don’t know anything about coding and making a video game but I imagine implementing those kinds of changes would be pretty intense for a game this old and established

Considering how long it took to revamp Worgen and Goblin…

I’d say 52% they don’t want to.

Have to admit it’s a lot of work, though. But I’d take leaving out one or two raid tiers for another model update so BFA allied races don’t look like they belong to a different game when compared to the core ones. :eyes:

I love watching armchair developers in their wild speculations.


Me too. Blizzard is busy telling us what we want instead of listening to what we tell them we want.

Do you not have phones?

Just have them presets, then? For example: small, average, tall each being like 15% in height difference.

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The game has been in production for 15 year, meaning it was in development for years before that, meaning the game is really about 20 years old. To have included that feature in an MMO 20 years ago would have required all players to have a very high-end computer. It really would have seriously limited who could could have played the game. Part of WoW’s success comes from being accessible, cutting edge graphics have never been a priority; accessibility has been.

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Also, if you just consider development time compared to staffing for an individual portion of the game. Since customization is usually just the art team, from modeling, texturing, and animation, they would have to propose some budget for the development of character size manipulation. This would affect the character creation screens, armor placement (like shoulders), and ensuring that no character ends up too large to fit through small doors. Even if the size difference were scaled, and the rigs do not need to be updated, there could be far reaching implications that were not initially expected.

Also remember, with all things art, nothing is ever done, so you work on all assets across the board until everything is acceptable, and then tweak and improve where needed, with the remaining time.

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Because they still make hand over fist, for providing minimal change. People love to say things about how much work it would take. Well no kidding. This is the biggest MMO developer in the west. They have the means to do that work. The question is, do they want to do it? And if so, would Activision allow them to.

I look at WoW models and I can’t believe someone is actually proud of them. They use a couple of basic shapes for each armor piece, and they are all horribly outdated. Those giant bell cuffed boots? The big burrito leg boots? They look so bad. We have mobile games that have better model systems.

ht tp://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=407.0

This is a good write-up of why WoW’s outdated model system makes it impossible for armor to ever be as good as other games that have dedicated armor models. They’ve gotten a bit better, after fifteen years we finally have pieces with added parts. Some look really good, others (belts especially) look so bad that it looks like an amateur did it.

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Why not apply if you are such a badass artist?

Because the model system is so bad, any art quality or talent would be lost. Also, easier said than done. You could be the most talented artist on Earth, that doesn’t mean the people in charge aren’t too proud to allow change.

I totally believe that the way the game and the armorsets are made is not compatible with body sliders.

Someone might find a work around someday but eh.

I do hope we can at least get pre-set body types someday though. Like how orcs can now select posture.

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WoW’s art and design are the game’s strongest aspects.

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It sure would be nice if the Unreal Engine didnt have a slew of problems and not everyone is going to be able to run it like that.

An MMO needs to be playable by anyone for it to have a large market.

Well for one thing they are running on a much older engine. Think late 90s tech as that’s when WoW originally went into development.

Also, since the game is based off of the earlier Warcraft series of games the characters are made to be similar to “Units”, which are similar in Warcraft.

Units are things such as “Undead”, “Lich” “Paladin”, etc. You know the old school generic stuff.

With that said, I agree with you wholeheartedly and would love to see more customization.

“Endured” It’s an artistic style. It’s what made Warcraft stand out. Idk I guess literally growing up with Warcraft, WoW and starcraft I just really love the art style. Not going to get your realism and shiny shiz around here bucko.

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They sure have done it with Diablo. Look at Diablo 1. It’s like pong compared to what 4 looks like. I get it, different game but the company is still the same. So they clearly can upgrade.