Why is Blizzard lazy with graphics/models?

WWE Smackdown is a wrestling video game franchise with pretty decent character customization options. You can adjust height, eye spacing, eye socket depth, brow placement, mouth width, arm size, arm length, lots of stuff. It would be exactly what you want in wow.

Wow, that completely destroyed the art style.


And they can chose to use that engine now with the graphic card they have now but there’s catch 60fps your computer will slow down making it hard to play let alone do a dungeon or Bg.


Except it’s near impossible to go use a new engine

It would not take 2 years to get it done along with an expansion update

Not to mention all your Walmart special PC users would never be able to play it because potatoes


This was always my take on the whole thing. Just a question of wanting to do it and it hasn’t been on the priority list.

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True, maybe in the future it is getting close.

This is important :slight_smile: I blew my computer up last year and going without wow is unacceptable so I bought a cheap trash laptop until I could get a better computer. Laptop had integrated graphics, 8gb of ram and a 2ghz processor and still ran wow :slight_smile: I couldn’t do content with more than 5 players but anything 5 and below the game ran good enough for me.


Remember, WoW was originally built off a variation of the WC3 Engine. It was heavily modified, both by release and overtime, sure, but this engine has been puttering along in some form for almost twenty years.

The fact that it’s been able to keep up as much as it has for this long without devolving into a Bethesdain mass of writhing bugs and glitches is nothing short of miraculous.

Yes, it would be nice to have more fine-tuned control over your character’s design. Yes, it would be nice to have armor with dyes. Would Blizzard do it? …

The last time Blizzard did a major overhaul even approaching this scale was Cataclysm, and that expansion was received like a wet fart in a smart car. Doing something that would require them to revisit every dynamic model and model type in the game is just an amount of effort no one should expect.


To be fair, this is not the first time they have added new options.


You win internet today… amazing

and those are good points on “less capable” computers, didn’t think of that. I have always had super robust computers so that didn’t really occur to me. Makes a lot more sense now. They would probably lose a large base.

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Adding a few new hairstyles one time in 15 years doesn’t really tell me that character customization is a priority to them. It isn’t, and it never has been. They just chose to focus on other aspects of the game.

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What I’m curious about is if an engine even exists that can go from potatoPC graphics up to the kind Clark posted in that video by just changing in game settings or if there is a LOWER limit to how far you can downscale graphics.

They’re lazy, in general.

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Isn’t that the reason anyone doesn’t want to do something? Sure theres reasons but meeeeh, lets just ignore em.

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Funny. Game has been running for about 16 years. They’ve released 7 expansions in that time and are poised for number 8 this year. They released multiple major content patches in between each expansion. And the company is lazy because what? They didn’t create a slider to change body size? Not enough hair styles to choose from?


It a setting some of the video card have now I forgot which ones have it.

It’s not laziness, from what they’ve said. It’s because of how the very game is built from the beginning up.

The engine just plain does not offer that as an option and that’s not an easy fix. It’s not like you simply swap engine A for engine B. After a certain point, you pretty much have to rebuild every single bit of dialogue, quest and interaction from eight (about to be nine) expansions.

That is an undertaking beyond words, and it’s only growing with each patch added.


I assume fdk is just using the general 2h weapon animations?

They’re fine

That sounds like in 20 years we could get an engine upgrade :open_mouth: After the tech becomes commonplace enough when 2040 rolls around we can bump up to 2020 graphics from 2004.

See you then boys!

The servers can’t handle more than 20 people pvping against each other.

And you want better graphics? How about better servers.