Why is Blizz still ignoring the Area-52 login problem?

FF14 actually solved this issue. They lock servers based on the population so that no new charactors can be made until a maintence or fewer population period.They also provide benifits for making new charactors on these lesser populated with % boosts and currency for stuff.

No I’m just aware of what’s going on…

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You know the realm pop wasn’t always high or full right?

And feel free to screech it’s my “BS”; the fact is no, it never did.

Yes it has been! It has literally said full on area52 since LK dude. I swear you are either an irrational teenager or just blind as a bat. At least you are the correct race for this emo crap.

There is a difference between being ok with Qs or being aware of them. I HATE them! But I am aware of them. Which is why I never try to play the first week of every xpax. There has been a Q on Area52 the first week of every single dang Xpax. This is nothing new.

Week 2? they are normally gone or down to 15-20min

In my experience realms either grow in size or shrink in size…obviously right? Well which way was it going 10 years ago? Not down. There’s your answer.

Dude you cant rationalize with an irrational person. Not all this guys dogs are barking

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These queue times suck.

I ended up on A52 because I played Horde on a dead server.
I was trying to find one that wouldn’t be the same way.
Almost went to Zul’jin but it has/had a large French pop. at the time and I don’t speak French. Also considered Thrall but with the player base ever dwindling I was worried it would end up the same as my old server.

If I had stayed where I was, Laughing Skull, I never would have made the gold I needed for the Brutosaur among other things.
Hopefully they fix this mess soon cause it seems like they capped A52 because of the stability issues it was having pre-SL.
Nearly a 2hr queue at 12amEDT seems a bit absurd, but I refuse to play on a dead or dying server ever again. It is a horrible experience post-CRZ.
You get all the downsides and none of the perks of low populations.

Its only for week 1 of xpax bro. Anyone who has truly been on this server for years knows this. Most of us wait till week 2 to try to play. Q times will be 15-20min tops then. Its likle this every xpax on are52 and every xpax the forums blow up with people acting like this has ever happened

Do they mean that a number of multiboxers are there?

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It isn’t entirely unexpected, but over an hour wait after midnight seems strange with how high the server capacity is these days.
Small price to pay for a functioning AH though I suppose.
Stuff that you see dozens of on the AH on A52 you’d be lucky to find one of on my old server.
It was an overall horrible experience that was only getting worse by the day and my biggest regret investing so much time into that server, especially when I thought the merges were going to fix things. Surprise, they didn’t!

I can’t believe all the ingrates. They said they were working on it, jeesh, were you expecting them to actually fix it? That’s just crazy talk.

You should be thankful they don’t charge extra for the enhanced queue experience.

Careful. The bootlickers don’t understand satire. LOL.


Well… I’m from tichondrius and since 2 days before the exp I’m having log in issues. It’s totally random, some days i can log in, some days i cannot. Also it doesn’t work ANY teleport spell with any player since the launch day.

I did everything on my side to fix the problem and the only day i could play was on the launching day with one of my players, and after i log out on The Maw, i have been unable to log in again.

I have wrote like 3 tickets already and they keep giving me obvious solutions, and not solving my problem.

I’m here with a lot of patience waiting the second week. My hopes of getting lvl 60 on the first days are gone :sweat_smile:

Their solution is the same as every expac. Wait until less people are logging in and the problem goes away and people forget about it. Will take about two weeks.

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MOP was 3hours at 2am. It amazed me how some how on the 6th day EVERY time Q drops by 90%

After Legion I said Im done lying to my self telling my self there wont be Q week 1. Just wait till week 2

Why didn’t they just lock character creation for the first week? ya would suck for new players but at least it would allow the current player base to level with less of a queue times.

Great business model. Make your customers suffer until a percentage of them just give up. Then their hosting can handle the load.


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still can’t

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“Customer Service” Feedback:
Your customer “support” is a powerless joke. With login queues to Area 52 still over 5 hours 3 days after launch, I simply requested a transfer or my main character to any other server, but your employee professed to not having the authority to do so, nor to elevate the request.
He offered to refund my $80 Shadowlands Expansion purchase instead, so I chose that. It makes zero business sense that you would rather lose a playing customer of 14 years rather than comp a $20 server transfer.
Today, 6 December 2020 is the first time I’ve logged in since then, and my main character is “locked.” The article to which you direct for information (https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/6592) is completely unhelpful.
Is it locked out of spite? Or incompetence?