Why is Blizz still ignoring the Area-52 login problem?

Ahh… We’vE stooped this low!?

Wow that really sucks dude.

You are blaming people for something they have ZERO control over, for a choice they made not seeing it might yield such a result, a result they have NO control over. How deplorable is that.


They literally prefer to refund your $60+ expansion payment and sacrifice your $15/month. Scrooge had nothing on them.

You’ll never be able to persuade lickspittles like the human paladin already sneering at you that Blizz could be wrong about anything.


Ive been on Area-52 since Mists. Its always like this, even worse with Covid and American Thanksgiving. I wish they would postpond the new raid, i havnt even gotten through the 2nd zone yet.


Easier to blame blizz

I have been on A52 for years. It’s never been this bad. A “bad” queue in the past MIGHT have been 25 minutes. I mean, I dont even recall personally having one that during Legion and BFA launch for example.

Frankly, if it was such an issue; they ought to have locked the server for xfers.

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Minimizing happens all over the world. Businesses / the Government do it everyday to keep the mass population under control because people are just plain idiots.

Like buying all the TP out in a store. That kind of idiot level. They won’t ever be factual because they need to always make sure they protect their own selves first.

You will not get the book you’re expecting blizz to write to you every time server troubles happen.

Theres a warning message that prompts when you select that realm…are you serious? You cant be…

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I agree, normally its 5am EST is the best timeframe to play. I never had this is since Mists, even days after release.

Where were you in Legion? Q was 4hrs 6k+
Where were you in LK Q was half a day. YES! Half a day! 15k+

I have been here since BC. I call BS on that small of a Q. Either you are BSing or your memory is kind of Hazy. Which is it?

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Play on another server till then

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Right so when my main and guild are on A52 im going to sit and level on another server for what reason?


To play the game rather than wait in queue due to server pop

I personally didn’t have a queue and no one I knew did in Legion.

I mean, this is faulty logic anyway and a moot point. Right now, I have many friends and guildies on A52 at 60. They have been able to play just fine. That doesn’t invalidate the thousands who cannot get in.

If anything, past queues SHOULD HAVE BEEN evidence for Blizzard to either lock certain servers or work on their server infrastructure.

I like you tried to GOTCHA me with some added insults - but you just bolster my point. Blizzard has TWELVE years of experience with this server and they didn’t learn. So why do you want to blame the players again? Are you that deplorable?


Its not their fault. There have been PLENTY of warnings about high population realms. This is your fault.

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Nope, never got one.

Believe me, realms go through ups and downs. You keep trying to blame players for something that is literally not their responsibility. I wonder why?

Wow, you are a piece of work.


It’s because eeveryone wanted to be on a large server, loads of guilds moved there.

Problem is, with each expansion large servers always have traffic congestion. It’s a lack of foresight on the part of everyone who moved there.

I noticed during the lead up how busy it was there and moved off to a slightly smaller realm. My time in queues remain at none.

My time listening to boring rp however is through the roof.

Really? One pops up everytime you try to make a toon on one and it even mentions possible Q times. Once again calling you out on BS. Same warning pops up if you transfer or reset you game cache

A man of logic. I like it